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Comment Yeah when pigs fly! (Score 1) 400

Hey extortionist assholes out there who think this is a whizbang good idea! FUCK YOU!!!! I'll just set up a dummy account, use it to copy your data, and post it on my free site! Actually, I'd either visit non-extortionist sites only or just go back to life before the web and do things like read books and such. I am so sick of these assholes who think that the only reason I draw breath is for them to force me to pay them money! If I had a half decent job, where I made enough money that I could waste it online, it wouldn't be so bad, but these assholes are also the type of asshole who think it's a good idea to ship the jobs I can do to China.


Comment Re:Henry Ford had it right all along. (Score 1) 183

Well I guess you can consider this an outlier on your scale of bs. I said it because there are a million or so sources out there with which to enrich one's knowledge of industrial hemp. If you think I am bullshitting you, you have only to investigate the subject for yourself, and draw your own opinions. If you put any level of honest effort toward it (meaning seriously considering hemp as a possible solution to many of our modern concerns) I believe you will find that it solves the dilemma of a clean source of energy, food, clothing, building materials, plastics...etc at a negligible, if not negative "cost" to the environment. The only reason I said enlighten yourself is that I've already spent the time, considered the variables, and have sold myself on the idea that it can be an option. And that I believe if enough people put forward the effort I have, that this solution could become a reality. Not because I think we all need to be brain-washed to a particular religious, political, or social bent to make the world a happy place....


Comment Re:Henry Ford had it right all along. (Score 1) 183

Actually China grows hemp. As to why they don't use it for biofuels? Your guess is as good as mine. The Chinese are great game players and probably realize that by using oil they foul us up with their ever increasing demand. Japan and Canada grow it. As a matter of fact, both nations have begun building houses out of hemp-based textiles. You also have to take into account that we REQUIRE that nation's who trade with us get rid of any hemp they are growing. The only nation's who've been allowed to deviate from this are those who import enough wares to be able to tell us to fuck ourselves well we tell them to stop growing hemp. Canada is a great example of this.

There is a problem with hemp. IT GROWS VIRTUALLY EVERYWHERE with little or no assistance from humans. This means that people like you and I (with enough acreage) could grow our own. Extortionist-capitalism requires concentration of supply to as few sources as possible. This is why when people talk about potential biofuel sources, they talk about stuff that can only be grown in certain climates, or require pesticides, herbicides, an abundance of water....etc. There are 100's of strains of Industrial Hemp. This allows for hemp to be grown on roughly 90% of the planet's arable land (too much potential supply for extortionists to be able to ass-rape everyone for), This is why we bother with drilling for oil in over 500 ft of water, when we could just as easily be growing our nation's fuel supply in the depressingly flat states.

I couldn't find a specific vid on Youtube about Russian hemp but I googled it (which you could just as easily have done...wise ass) and this was one of the first pages that came up. http://blog.alextiller.com/BlogRetrieve.aspx?BlogID=2729&PostID=54348. And in addition (for a little more info from ol youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TiFBPw7SNQ
Try doing a little research as I had previously suggested. I am sure you'll find (unless you were already aware and are just being an asshole about it) that you've been LIED TO, for most of your life concerning this plant and it's true potential.


Comment Henry Ford had it right all along. (Score 3, Insightful) 183

It was this nation's #1 cash crop for over 100 years. As such, 90% of the components for the first automobiles were made of it (and previous to prohibition of alcohol, most cars were fueled by it). Henry Ford grew acres of it, and envisioned that we'd literally be "GROWING CARS"... But unfortunately William Randolph Heart made his money from newspapers printed on paper made from wood pulp (one of the three textiles it would have displaced had it remained legal after the invention of the decordicator...the other two being oil, and cotton). A medium he used to demonize it, and stigmatize our nation to the point where to this day (80 years later) all most of us do is make stupid snarky comments at the mere suggestion of it's use as an alternative to oil. Due to this nation's ignorance of it, and our resulting dependence on it's competitors, most of civilization will most likely perish before it becomes legal again....I am of course talking about Industrial Hemp.

Think I'm lying? Rather than make stupid remarks about smoking it, try looking it up on Google or Youtube and enlighten yourself!!!


Comment I'm starting to hate the internet (Score 4, Insightful) 120

I'm starting to hate the internet. More and more it seems like the internet is turning into one big bug in the ass. I have to specifically opt out of fucking invasive bullshit toolbars that I didn't ask for, had no interest in, and no desire to have corrupting my machine. I got an idea for all you assholes who think that is the way to make money....HOWS ABOUT YOU WORK ON PROJECTS THAT MAKE US FREER RATHER THAN FURTHER CONFINE OR TRACK US??? Is it really so much to ask to be able to scan, upload, download, chat, skype, mud, "be on the web" without fear of being constantly surveiled? I'm not a tree. My psychological profile, shopping habits, surfing habits, political interests, are not "fruit" to be picked and sold on the market, and as such ARE NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!!! If I want your shit, I will use the most powerful investigatory tool humankind has ever invented, find it myself, and possibly even buy it! If what you had to offer was worth having I might even buy it again. But, until that point, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!


Comment Re:Duh? (Score 1) 633

It's been my experience that those who are against copyright are (predominantly) lazy programmers who think it is a waste of time to create original code, when they can just rip off someone else's IP. Out in the wild of non-digital commercial ventures, (where I live) copyright and patents are the only means I have of making ripping off my IP too prohibitively expensive for massive corporations to bother with (they are in turn motivated to go back to their R&D dept to create something "better" instead). Where I have a problem with patents and copyright is when a company develops something and then warehouses the IP after submitting a patent for it. It inhibits the motivation to release new products (for fear of being sued), denies the public the benefit and example of it, and gives patents and copyright a bad name. To me, the best solution would be a "use it or lose it" approach. Meaning (and I am unaware as to whether or not this is already being done so save the flame for being informative about it please) that if you submit a patent or claim copyright over something, you should only have 6 to 12 months to get it on the shelf, otherwise someone who is able and willing to bring it to market can do so (and this should apply to the government as well as private industry) without suffering the threat of a lawsuit, or owe you a fucking dime in royalties.


Comment Re:"Sex crimes" (Score 1) 1020

I was thinking the same exact thing. What I think no one is really paying attention to is the logistics angle here. Wikileaks has put out a million or so pages worth of "VETTED" intel over the last couple of years. Does ANYONE really think that Assange is vetting all that information himself??? I for one seriously doubt it!!!


Comment No Cash = No privacy (Score 1) 454

I am getting so sick of technology. I swear that it quit liberating humans from a previous woe or burden soon after the invention of the wheel, and has served only to further imprison and monitor humans ever since. Microsoft Silverlight turns your computer into a video/audio surveillance device for god knows who. GPS has turned your car and cell phone into a mobile tracking device. Kinect has turned your XBOX 360 into a living room biometric monitoring device....Sometimes I think Ted Kaczynski had the right idea all along....BTW no cash means that you won't be able to spend any money unless it's monitored and/or taxed, if not both. At this rate one more step in any direction will end with RFID implants...MOO!


Comment I wish (Score 1) 402

I wish that the temperature I was currently experiencing were determined by my proximity to a celestial body never seen by human eyes. That I was on a aquatic planet, or planetoid somewhere outside of our solar system. In the middle of a bite, of a less-than-sentient specie that no other human being has ever caught via rod and reel....


Comment Fuck Blizzard! (Score 1) 385

Back in the day of Star Craft 1, you could buy a copy, then give it to your friend, whose computer would crash at some future moment. At that point, many times that friend would then just go out and buy a copy of their own. They already knew they loved the game, so it didn't really seem like to big a jump to throw down the $30 for it. Now, not only does Blizzard want to force you to buy a copy just to play it, they want to claim "we haz all ur base" and demand that you buy another copy of it if at any time during your playing of the original copy you decide to enable a cheat to help you get through a tough level, or play a "dirty" once-through. Well they can fuck off, and keep their cash-sucking time-waster! I'll stick to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC if they are going to be that way about it.


Comment Re:Way to prove their point! (Score 1) 738

The problem isn't that we don't have the rare earth minerals. As a matter of fact, it isn't even that the EPA won't "allow" companies to mine or utilize them. The reason why overtly-greed pieces of shit move their rare-earth mineral demands to countries like China is that it takes a little more initial investment, and a little more in production costs and licensing fees every year to pay AMERICANS to provide and process the same materials here. You see here in America, we actually expect our companies to behave responsibly when it comes to the treatment and health of the air, land, water, and other biological organisms. While this may at first seem like a big pain in the ass for executives, and other money-grubbing turds, it is what is necessary for us to have clean safe environments to work and play in. If they could look any further than their balance-sheets and flow charts they'd realize that is it also more cost effective to make the necessary adjustments to their production techniques and just pay Americans to do it. Over the long term, paying an American worker to do it here costs less. When it is made here A) Americans can actually continue to afford to buy your products because they make a half-decent wage and do not have to enslave themselves to banks and credit-card companies to afford them. B) you don't have to worry about profit disruptions caused by inflating shipping costs, C) you don't have to worry about 3rd world countries developing an attitude (due to your dependence on them) and demanding more money for the same or less materials.


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