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Comment Re:Here's the real waste: (Score 1) 200

Without DRM, most of the content providers will not provide legal content for you to download.

DRM schemes that cripple content as badly as the Hulu and Netflix are counter productive when close to 100% of the content that is available for streaming can with a minimum of effort be obtained via torrent sites without the any of the restrictions imposed by DRM. I can only see two reasons why DRM such as theirs are implemented:
1. What I just wrote make too much sense for the MAAFIA to comprehend.
2. The MAAFIA acknowledge what I wrote as correct but want to be able to point fingers and screaming [infantile rolling on the floor tantrum]"Evil pirates, we give them legal options on-line but they still steal our content. Hang them all!"[/infantile rolling on the floor tantrum]

Comment Re:most lego's are a rip off (Score 1) 355

The reason two year old kids can use an iPad and aren't ready for standard Legos is because the latter requires more skill. TFA claims claims that exposing kids to technology is causing our civilization to spiral down the drain, but provides no evidence whatsoever, other than anecdotes and conjecture.

While no hyperbole such as civilization spiraling down the drain or even anything close to it TFA say that:

Children are arriving at nursery school able to "swipe a screen" but lacking the manipulative skills to play with building blocks, teachers have warned. They fear that children are being given tablets to use "as a replacement for contact time with the parent" and say such habits are hindering progress at school.

While as you write there is little support for what is written beyond anecdotes and conjecture it most definitely is something that deserve attention and scientific studies not people getting their panties in a bundle over imaginary luddites.

Comment Re:sickening (Score 1) 798

Do you really think that private school is the only alternative to public school?

No. But I know that whenever you have more than 1 child spending significant part of their time together bullying will occur. A lot can be done to limit the extent and severity of it but beyond keeping kids completely separated from other kids until they reach adulthood (as complete social disasters) nothing can be done to completely eliminate bullying. Even then there is no guarantee as there are cases of adult bullying kids, something I experienced between the ages of 9-12 when my teacher had me singled out as outlet for his personal failures.

Comment Re:sickening (Score 1) 798

Please tell us what is done at that school to successfully stop/prevent the bullying that seem to occur everywhere else where there's more than a handful of kids or teens spending most of their time together outside of their from home.
Just because you are positive that your kid isn't bullied doesn't mean he isn't, hopefully you are right, but if so how can you be certain that with him being a smart kid with plenty of equally smart and nerdy friends he isn't bullying one of the less bright ones?

Comment Re:sickening (Score 4, Insightful) 798

And a very strong reason why we won't be sending our child to public schools.

Do you really think that just because a school is private bullying automagically will cease to happen? Allow me to burst that bubble for you.

A private school for children of Sweden's wealthy elite has been shut down following accusations that boys were burned with hot irons by older pupils.
The latest allegations about severe bullying at Lundsberg boarding school emerged at the weekend after one of the boys was taken to hospital and the police were informed. Nine boys were involved in the assault, police said.
Following a visit to the school in rural Värmland, in south-west Sweden, inspectors announced its immediate closure until measures are taken to prevent abuse.

Comment Re:Are you kidding (Score 2) 818

No that is not what oligarchy means, it simply mean that the power of rule lie with a small group of people which can be judges but it can also be the wealthy, military, corporate. If campaign spending is a deciding factor decide on who the next policy makers will be and they are put into power by funding from the wealthy the likelihood of policies favoring this small minority greatly increase.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 152

I hope they like the Vogon poetry I leave on repeat when not around my computer.

"Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts
With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!"

Comment Re:It makes too much sense (Score 3, Informative) 111

They'll just offer discounted no-roaming plans.

If they do which I doubt it will be a gigantic failure, EU citizens in difference from US citizens tend to travel a lot outside of the borders of their home country as doing so for many often is just a few hours car ride or at the most a 1 hour flight. That combined with many (most?) EU citizens having 3-4 weeks of paid vacation a year is the reason you find many Scandinavians going to the south of Europe for their vacation, Belgians going to the Alps for skiing in the winter and then Italy or France in the summer, Dutch and Germans going to Scandinavia and so on. Nearly every single person I know tend to go to another country several times a year and that is including low income earners. Last year alone I visited 4 EU countries for vacation another for work and 1 non-EU country for a wedding. While that might be a bit more than the average EU citizen it certainly is not something unusual and no-one here even raise an eyebrow if told about it.

With that level of cross-border mobility only the most ignorant PHB would believe such a crippled mobile plan ever having a chance of gaining any traction.

Comment Re:$300? (Score 1) 196

Not very long ago that comment would have made me chuckle at the sheer absurdity of tossing a 5 year old hacker into prison, with recent cases such as the one of Aaron Swartz in mind it only bring a disillusioned smile to my lips.

On a side note, seriously Microsoft! that was one fucking cheap ass reward you came up with there, couple of games and a one year subscription. Do you actually want people to report bugs to you or do you want to encourage them to find a higher bidder, in this case an Indian street urchin could have outbid you.

Comment Re:Sweet revenge (Score 3, Insightful) 109

I am not familiar with this particular case to comment on the specifics, but I do not agree with:

Seriously, don't you think that a judge knows the law better than you, a random bloke posting on the internet?

It is one thing to know the letter of the law in verbatim, it is another thing to interpret and apply the letters of law into something that resemble a fair and just ruling.

Comment Re:A new law in not what is needed (Score 1, Insightful) 519

Agreed. A judge isn't supposed to decide what's right or wrong, but rather what's legal or illegal. Judges are just supposed to interpret the laws as written. If there's no law against something, then a judge has no recourse but to deem that thing legal.

My thought exactly. To me up-skirt photography and filming is a practice which if legislated in detail as illegal either will become far too broad in interpretation, creating too much of a slippery slope situation, or too narrow to have any effect beyond a politician being able to win votes for "thinking about the children."

There are times were simple acts of active social disapproval are far more effective and deterring than written laws ever can be. Up-skirt is one of them. Next time you see some one doing an up-skirt don't look away, look right at the person and make it clear you see him (or her) and do not approve. Social stigma often is a far better deterrent than any legislation, death penalty included.

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