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Submission + - Frogs species discovered living in elephant dung ( 2

rhettb writes: "Three different species of frogs have been discovered living in the dung of the Asian elephant in southeastern Sri Lanka. The discovery--the first time anyone has recorded frogs living in elephant droppings--has widespread conservation implications both for frogs and Asian elephants, which are in decline.

Apparently the frogs feed on the many invertebrates present in elephant dung."

Comment you can nit pick errors and ommisions on my part.. (Score 1) 461

but the larger point still stands. The original poster is just plain wrong when he claims that Germans 'outperform' other countries - they simply do not. They are about average.

As I said in my first post 'Germans have made great contributions to science and technology.' Perhaps you didn't read that part because you felt the need to come up with a list of more German 'greats,' - which was one of the more pathetic things I have seen someone post on slashdot. You didn't even come up with a good list, and some of them are pretty debatable.

We could sit here all day and site this or that scientist/innovator from this or that country, but I guarantee you that if we did just that, even the most ardent German nationalist would ultimately be forced to admit that Germany is about average.

Ask yourself if you really want to join in with this German delusion of superiority. The facts just don't bare out the argument, and historically, the results have been tragic - perhaps for Germany more than anyone else (holocaust victims excluded).

And what of the original post that started this all off. Do you support that as well? Why single out Africans? How about native Americans, Mongolians, Kurds, etc etc? Different parts of the world developed at different rates. Civilizations, and their associated technological and scientific innovations have come and gone. Northern Europe (including Germany) was once a land of barbarians. When people from all parts of the world are given a chance to get a higher education and participate in the scientific process of discovery (such as in America, and to a lesser extent in Europe today), then we find that we are all about the same. Differences have more to do with the kind of institutional racism (and sexism) that original poster espouses.

Comment So your obviously a racist troll, but anyway... (Score 4, Interesting) 461

Your list of German achievements is not really that impressive in the scope of history. Lets break it down:

The first car. I think a frenchman was actually the first, but the real innovation was Henry Ford's mass production assembly line, not the automobile itself.

Calculus. Leibniz and Newton are not co-inventors - not really anyway. Basically they both built on work done by others including al-Haythem and other decidedly non-German mathematicians. The difference is that Newton did something truly amazing (and innovative) with it.

Quantum physics. As you say 'developed part of the foundation.' Quantum theory developed gradually, with contributions of a lot of people from a lot of places. It was not like Einstein's theory of relativity, which was a real breakthrough (although it too relied on the field equations of Maxwell (an Englishman) and other past theories. Einstein was from Austria by the way.

So all your examples are sort of 'me too' or 'i helped out' innovations. You would be better off to look at the French (Curie, Pasteur, or even Descartes). Or the English (Darwin, Newton). Or the Italians (Galileo, Marconi, etc.). And I am just picking a few of the bigs from Europe (since I am not readily familiar with the history of science outside the western world - my bad).

And lets not forget the Americans. There is no ethnic identity associated with being American, but one could argue that is their strength - the mixing together of scientists who hail from all parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds and ways of thinking about life the universe and everything.

So to bring it down to your level, what have the Germans really innovated, uniquely and on their own? How to start (and loose) two world wars? How to best gas Jewish people?

But seriously, the Germans have made great contributions to science and technology. That can not be ignored. But not more than many other nations. They are about par for the course.

Comment Re:Fuck `Em All (Score 1) 527

OK. that is funny. Someone decided to mod me funny for saying that the parent should be modded funny. But just to clarify, it was the "weevil" which I found funny... and he is the only one in this thread that has not been modded funny. So now I suppose I am going to get modded offtopic... sorry.

Comment there is a difference (Score 1) 789

Its not exactly like every other carrier on the planet. AT&T has an exclusive on the iPhone. They are milking that for what its worth (and I don't really blame them). With other phones, you can switch to a new carrier to get the latest greatest shiny new phone at a huge discount. Of course that huge discount won't be so huge if you factor in the cancellation fee on your original contract... but its better than nothing.

Comment Overreaction (Score 1) 911

I think you are overreacting to the phrase 'battle-tested.' Its a commonly used phrase that does not mean specifically someone who has been in an actual war. It just means they have real world experience. We say things like, 'that teacher has been battle tested in the Public school system,' or 'that broker has been battle tested through good and bad markets.' Its a common American English usage.

As to the rest of your post, I think you are over reacting there too. It actually summarizes a very old debate. The original poster is NOT in fact the first person to make the statement, 'an American company errs on the side of individual freedom while a European company is more inclined to favor an approach that relies on systems' - it cuts to the very essence of the debate. Just google 'Fly-by-wire vs computer controlled debate'. You will find numerous references to the cultural differences that drive both philosophies - by member of the aviation industry on both sides of the Atlantic.

What is interesting is your comment that 'the answer is statistics' - both sides use statistics to support their argument.

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