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Comment Re:Never going to happen ... (Score 1) 75

I was downloading mods on the fly in Unreal a long long time ago, needing add-ons is not a problem (other than security wise, need to use something like NCl or I guess Asm.js ... shudder). Properly abstracting the game code and running it all in script is not a problem either (again, Unreal).

It's just that modern developers seem utterly incapable of proper abstraction and lack the mindset to open source any part of their work ... I seriously doubt anyone working on Shards is any different. They'll give people some castrated tools and that's it.

Comment Never going to happen ... (Score 1) 75

Game code will be properly abstracted from engine code and it will be open source? Sure ....

Unless they give true full source code access the best players will be able to do is turn some near irrelevant dials and connect some blocks together to form a "new" quest, just like all these other MMOs which promise players will be able to develop content.

Comment Re:The geek in denial. (Score 1) 704

None of those movies got preachy about misogyny (although Catching Fire preached to the teenage choir about a lot of other stuff of course, like every coming of age story). All pretty white too of course ...

This isn't about games with female protagonists or without damsels in distress, we have those ... and some of them sell fine, mostly to white'ish young men. No, that obviously isn't enough to Heir.

Comment Re:Don't buy it then (Score 1) 704

Waste my hard earned money is what they could do about it, I'm not paying them to get preached at.

You could throw in a few retard/faggot conversation items and have an NPC admonish the player for using that I guess ... I wouldn't really care about that, any more than I care about the otherwordly percentages of LGBTs in their games. If they build elaborate set pieces to try to make me empathize with discriminated minorities all I will feel is contempt for the developers though.

Comment Re:what economic value in tracking? (Score 1) 436

We're talking about equipment which even at aviation specs isn't going to be very expensive. The extra phone operators the airline hired to deal with the fallout could probably have paid for it ...

After the 9/11 transponder shit we should have learned something, sure rewiring the existing transponders would present lots of cost and risk ... but installing a new separate system designed to be relatively low power so it could run on batteries would not.

Comment Re:Impressive? (Score 1) 101

And when their patents run out I'm sure we'll see some great thing. I'm pretty sure things like partly optical domain QPSK encoding/decoding could be miniaturized and commoditized right now ... yeah the necessary photonic devices are complex and bleeding edge, but not as bleeding edge as the processes Intel uses for it's commodity processors.

Patents are probably the biggest reason why Intel uses this many fibers rather than more intelligent signalling.

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