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Comment Re:Wishful Thinking (Score 3, Insightful) 69

As horrible as nuclear weapons are, and as ideal as a world without them would be, this is wishful thinking at its best. The level of trust and cooperation required for everyone to give up nuclear weapons is in large part simply impossible given the current state of human and world affairs. We've certainly not managed to eliminate war or armed conflict. All we've done is limit its scope and size.

And speaking of that, it's in large part due to nuclear weapons that there have been no major wars in the past 70 years. The most we've seen were proxy wars that were limited in scope, and while many of those were horrible, they pale in comparison to the two World Wars, or really any of the major power conflicts that preceded them. The world with nuclear-armed major powers is paradoxically MORE peaceful than the world before it was. Prior to the nuclear age, it's difficult to go more than 20-30 years without two or more major powers going to war. The presence of nuclear weapons was the final thing that made "Total War" too costly a concept for rational actors to even consider it.

Reduce their number and scope? Sure, by all means. Get rid of them entirely? That's quite a different thing.

No major wars in the past 70 years? Wtf have you been smoking? We've been in a proxy war with Russia since basically the end of WWII. We've invaded practically every country in the middle east, South America and most of Asia. Millions of people are dead. Basically the entire middle east is at war with us in one way or another as we speak. The only difference between now and WWII is the iron grip our leaders now have on the message our media feeds us. We are in the middle of a world war right now, and have been this entire time.

After memorial day I read an article about how Obama was celebrating the first memorial day without "boots on the ground" in 7 years or something. Meanwhile we've got special forces in every country in the middle east, bombers flying daily missions, drones bombing weddings. Just how gullible are we?!?!

Comment Re:One quote from the article that is nice... (Score 1) 148

The singularities (they are not blackholes) have a diameter smaller than the width of the nucleus of an atom. So, even if they were created, survived more than a trillionth of a second without evaporating, or any of the other improbabilities that come along with this... the statistical likelihood of them colliding with any particle at all is basically 0. If it were possible, every star in the universe would have collapsed into a black hole seconds after forming.

When they building a accelerator around the event horizon of a blackhole and start testing stuff that hasn't happened since the birth of the universe, let me know. I'll worry then.

Comment Re:Seems reasonable (Score 1) 119

The hard part is indeed establishing what the right level of security is and how to evaluate companies against that. At least over here, the exclusions for burglary are pretty clear cut: leaving your door or a window open, and for insuring more valuable stuff there are often extra provisions like requiring "x" star locks and bolt, or a class "y" safe or class "z" alarm system and so on. With IT security, it's not just about what stuff you have installed and what systems you have left open or not; IT security is about people and process, as much or more than it is about systems.

It's fairly simple and done in just about every other industry. The insurance companies will come up with standards. Then 3rd party "Security experts" will pop up offering certification. "We're Security level blackwatch plaid certified! We get a $20k discount on our policy!" etc... Microsoft finds a bug and doesn't patch it? It's hard for your local bank to sue them... but the entire insurance industry?

This is a good thing.

Comment Re:Get rid of it (Score 4, Informative) 389

Obama has promised again and again to safeguard our liberties. Now he has morphed into George Bush. What did I miss?

You missed the meeting he had with the NSA the day he took officer where they showed him their file on him.

A free society can not exist in conjunction with a government that has unfettered power. That's what the NSA has done, unchained itself from the restrictions of the constitution. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If the NSA isn't blackmailing the president, they will eventually. It is quite literally inevitable.

Comment Re: Flamebait title (Score 1) 392

The difference here is, who's driving the car. And can the owner claim that he had a reasonable expectation that the car would include such a basic safety feature. The equivalent would be to design a car that didn't have breaks at all and claim that's an extended feature or something... that's perfectly safe if you never go over 5mph and only drive in a farm field right?

An auto-driving car, should also auto-break. The driver would reasonable expect that, and there's no easy way for the drive to know that it wouldn't... especially when the car CAN do it if you pay them more money.

I think that the thousands of scam artists that are out there right now frantically trying to find cheap deals on these Volvos will quickly get Volvo to make the feature standard soon as Volvo ends up paying for their retirement.

Comment Did they already fix this? (Score 1) 248

Did Apple already fix this? I immediately tried to crash every phone of every coworker who has an iPhone within earshot of me and it didn't work. Much to my disappointment. I'm now having to save face by harassing them with Pictures of Steve Job's license plateless car parked in multiple handicapped spots.

Comment Re:Court Rules in Favor of Patent Reform (Score 1) 87

At some point, the trolls will collect enough tolls that we'll finally have to do something about the ridiculous patents that are granted.

Remember, the trolls are legally in the right, which makes it not a problem with bad ethics on the part of the trolls, but bad ethics on the part of our legal system or patent system.

That's what they said about lawyers and politicians, and look what happened.

Comment Re:DoB, SSN & Filing Status?? (Score 2) 85

Better yet, those same agencies are 100% supportive of fining private enterprise for the same thing... But they believe they are simply innocent victims of outside attacks and shouldn't be held responsible.

But this wasn't even an "attack" they used the form as it was intended to be used and just guessed at the inputs. That's like putting a combination lock on your safe that only has 1 digit, setting it to "1" then, after your customers Jewelry is stolen claiming there's nothing to can do to stop a determined Global criminal organizations that employ master safe crackers.

Comment Re:DoB, SSN & Filing Status?? (Score 4, Insightful) 85

That's all the ID the IRS requires to use their "secure" site???

Jaysus, you can get most of that (SSN & DoB) by looking at someone's Driver License in most States.

And guessing Married Filing Jointly will work more often than not, I expect....

I know, it's hilarious. These agencies/companies get hacked due to their own willful negligence... then scream "Hackers did it!" like hackers have magic hacking wands that turn servers inside out. It seems that the only piece of info that would have been remotely hard to get was filing status... which the "hackers" just guessed at. It looks like they were 50% successful, and I bet if compared with the victims filing status, they likely had a 50% chance of filing jointly or something. What a joke. This is completely and entirely the IRS's fault.

Make a new law, if you get hacked, you have to pay the person whos data you lost $100,000. Problem solved. You can then decide if spending time on securing the data is worth it, or if you just want to not store it. It IS possible to prevent this sort of thing. These agencies and companies just don't think it's profitable to do so when the penalty for losing a persons info is nothing more than a press release.

Comment well (Score 1) 96

Well... if the police stopped murdering people in cold blood as a routine part of their job, we wouldn't have much video to air would we? The fact that there are people that still defend what the police do baffles me.

The cops that put 137 rounds into the car of 2 unarmed men that they pulled over because their car supposedly backfired... just got acquitted. How the hell does that work? How many in the local naighborhood were in mortal danger because of their actions? It's insane that any of those officers still have their jobs.

I have a simple solution for all of this. The burden of proof should be changed. Anyone working in law enforcement that kills someone in the line of duty should be assumed guilty and should have to prove it was justified to avoid prison. Not the other way around. Then lets see how they feel about body cameras.

Comment Re:surprised? (Score 1) 232

ever notice how the products recommended for your car just happen to be made by the same company that made the car? Ever notice how the manual for your new hiking boots claims they will work best with the leather sealant made by the same company? Ever notice how the helpful recipes found on the packaging of food items happen to have ingredients that all come from the same food company? why would anybody expect anything different?

50 wrongs don't make a right. Consumers have always expected the manufacturers of their products to give them honest advice about how to care for their products and not to use their position as the manufacturer to force you into situations that actually harm your own interests. The fact that most businesses abuse that expectation does not make it any less egregious that Google has followed in their footsteps.

One of the best examples is Transmission oil... The differences between Manufacturer and After market brands is simply patented detergents the manufacturer refuses to license to after market suppliers. The viscosity, temperature expansion characteristics and ware modifiers are all identical, yet they'll void your warranty if you use them. The OEM brands sell from $12 to $50 a quart compared to $5 for an aftermarket, and are clearly a way to further gouge the customer. It's disgusting that these sorts of scams are allowed to continue, but they are, so the best we can do is call attention to them. At least with Google there are alternatives.

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