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Comment Dont record the videos (Score 3, Insightful) 698

Don't record the advice videos like you've suggested you would. There are a number of stories about people who've done this and it's turned out badly. If you're just saying things like "I love you and hope you're doing well!" that's great... But advice? Advice needs to bend and twist with circumstances. You've no idea what situation your daughter will be in 20yrs from now, and how the video could appear to her. What if one of the videos is "Congratulations on the degree!" and she flunks out? She'd be fine and likely do well in life anyway, but that video would be painful.

My mother came from the deep south, and her advice about African Americans when I was a child likely would have been to stay away from them. But now, as an adult, my wife and I adopted an African American child, who is the light of my mothers life. They are inseparable and she's now an emesary of inclusiveness to her southern relatives. Circumstances changed all of us, and any static, unalterable message from 30yrs ago had my mother been terminal would have done nothing but cause us pain now.

Pass on your love and support. Leave the advice for the living.

Comment Re:Note that this is a little different from softw (Score 1) 207

For software, generally speaking the copy is exactly the same as the original. No one collects software (only their medium), and its unlimited.

Even with 3d printers, objects are limited (you can't copy them indefinitely, you'll run out of material), and right now at least, until star trek replicators happen, they're not the same as the original (unless the original was 3d printed too i guess). There can be difference in qualities, and the originals may be collectibles... just like a painting can be replicated, but its the original that's worth something.

So being able to tell the originals from the copies apart kind of matters this time around.

No it's not. If I can copy the thing you're selling with a few clicks of a keyboard, you don't really have a product. I fully support inventors getting rewarded for their work, but that's NOT what the patent system does.

Comment Re:NSA... (Score 4, Insightful) 192

You don't seem to get it. No one wants the NSA. The American people have been polled, and overwhelmingly despise the NSA and what it does. Local and state governments have publicly declared their actions criminal, and Congress has overwhelmingly decried their activities. But they're still here and there's literally nothing we can do about it. That should tell you something.

It's like we're all in a coffee shop, and a man armed with a 12 gauge just barged in to rob the place and demanded we all act normally. Even the cashier is nodding and offering him a latte... but in reality we're all glancing at each other wondering who's going to be brave enough to clock him over the head with their coffee mug first. There's one feeling that I think we've all felt in this country over the past 10yrs or so, and I think that feeling is best described as "Unease"

Comment Re:hmmm... (Score 1) 131

I agree for the most part. I did, however, have a small grant based on the school I picked when I went. I had to say "yes" or "no" to, etc... I could see myself calling them and telling them to give it to someone else, etc... I think it's rather unlikely any particular person would find themselves in a situation like that. But there were 800 affected people... the chances go way up once you see that.

Too be honest, it's been decades since I went to school, so I'm probably not the best resource in knowing how admissions are handled now-a-days.

Comment not at all (Score 1) 576

They'd send a couple of capsules the size of a nickle into our atmosphere from outside the ort cloud. They'd either be laced with a virus to kill us all, antimater or some other yet-to-be-discovered nastiness and it'd be all over in seconds. We'd have no idea if they didn't want us to have one.

Comment hmmm... (Score 3, Interesting) 131

I suspect those that turned down other university offers for this one, only to find out they weren't accepted and no have no-where to go have basis for a lawsuit. And what about those that had scholarships at other schools and lost them? Mistakes like this, and such a critical point in your life, affect the whole of the rest of your life. It could change the entire trajectory of your career.

Comment Re:Need to consider this (Score 1) 183

What if the universe is 120 times larger? Maybe our part of the observable universe just looks like it happened from a Big Bang.

Well, actually, the universe is infinite in all directions according most. They're basing their math here on a given volume, "The observable universe" which, makes sense given how relativity works. You know, it's the whole cat paradox. If you cannot observe it, it does not exist, etc...

Comment Re:Numerology (Score 4, Informative) 183

Why, for instance, 10 cubic-kilometer voxels? Why not 100, or 1, or 0.1? How about 10^{15} cubic kilometers, which is about the volume of the sun? Adjust this number correctly, and you can match any energy density you want.

This is the problem with the science blogosphere: they'll take any press release whatsoever and echo it around regardless of whether or not it makes any fucking sense at all.

No, they are basing it on Plank Length: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P...
A unit of measure derived specifically from universal constants, the speed of light, the Planck constant, and the gravitational constant.

So it's not some arbitrary unit of measure as you suggest. It's the universes unit of measure. (assuming our current model of the universe holds) It's the smallest unit of measure that has any meaning in the real world.

Comment hmmm (Score 1) 294

I was in Radio shack a few months ago looking for a Mic for my HAM Radio. The guy at the counter said "We don't sell radio stuff like that..." I said "But you're radio shack!" He laughed at me "No-body comes to the Mall to buy Radios" I finally said "The only person you currently have standing in your store came here for a Radio, you might want to rethink your inventory" and walked out. Morons.

Comment Re:That's why nobody sensible wants them (Score 1) 223

...properly securing them is very very difficult...

No it's not. You can hire a person with a degree in computer security starting around $40k a year. You can get someone with 10yrs+ experience for under $100k/yr. Then its a matter of doing what they say, and not letting executives over-rule every inconvenient policy they put into place.

Comment Re:Good for Mississipi (Score 1) 297

But underlying all this, it seems that the US American belief that you should have the complete right as a parent to decide how to raise your children, even if it is against their well being, is not new. I clearly remember 'Huckleberry Finn', and the description of his father who falls in the same category as those people that are opposed to vaccination (for whichever reason). And that was written 130 years ago.

Right, and I even agree with them. But in this case you're not just making a choice that puts your kid at risk. You're also making a choice that puts my kid at risk, which is where it crosses the line. If a vaccine were 100% effective, I'd agree with them on choice. But they're not, so they should be mandatory.

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