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Comment Re:It fascinates me... (Score 1) 237

It's not like the US doesn't copy software. It's just that US consumers can afford to buy Dells, which are preloaded with Windows. Most people who buy grey-box computers will pirate the OS, in any country. Except Linux and Mac users ;).

This is a typical flamebate and is not worth any modpoints since this statement really needs citation.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1) 327

Nuclear plants do have an impact on the environment too. What do you do with the toxic waste? The problem here is that you need to store it somewhere safe for thousand of years.


You only need to store the waste for a couple hundred years.

If the waste is reactive enough to be a real threat, it is reactive enough to be used as fuel. When it isn't reactive enough to be used as fuel anymore, it isn't reactive enough to be a real threat. Just throw it in a bunker for a couple decades and call it done.

We should be using pebble bed and breeder reactors. Better use of fuel, less production of waste, safer all-around.

The problem with breeders is that you get plutonium from them too witch i really don't like to be produced in any country.
The second thing is that failure of a nuclear power plant can produce a huge impact to the environment. I know that they have en insane number of redundancy build into the reactor but still it is operated by humans and the chance is not 0 that it might explode. I believe that the CANDU reactor is the only nuclear reactor that if anything happens is not able to explode because of it design ( no need to pull out the nuclear roods to stop the reaction) but on the other hand its efficiency is worse and it has got more waste afterwards.

Another option are fusion power plant. The research did alot of improvement during the last few years and the radio active waste has got a half-life of only a few years not really worth mentioning.

Fusion power generation is nowhere near becoming a reality.

You are right, but i have been at a research institute for fusion reactors before and what you realize there is that they have very limited funding mainly because politicians call it a non renewable energy. Which is true but fuel will run out after our sun will be exploded.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1) 327

Actually, the problem is that the big companies like RWE don't want to invest in modernizing the electrical grid because all investments would benefit competitors like small green energy producers. It's similar to the US where the grid is so bad that it can happen that the shutdown of one power plant can cut of large regions and all that just because investing in a better energy grid gives room for competitors.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1) 327

I really think Fast Breeder Reactors are one of the worst reactors.
On thing is that they use and produce plutonium witch will always be used for weapons too.
The other thing is the half-life of the wast witch is alot longer than 2-6 years (and half-life doesn't mean that afterwards all is gone)

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1, Insightful) 327

Nuclear plants do have an impact on the environment too. What do you do with the toxic waste? The problem here is that you need to store it somewhere safe for thousand of years. This is almost impossible to foretold. And don't reply that you can just use old salt stocks because they have been dry for millions of years already. The best example for this is Asse 2 which is already starting to flood.
Another option are fusion power plant. The research did alot of improvement during the last few years and the radio active waste has got a half-life of only a few years not really worth mentioning.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 1) 327

The article didn't say that they want to shut off nuclear plants instead.
This relates to a different debate in germany where there are 3 nuclear plants that need to be shut down next year because of age. And one party (CSU) tries to pressure the other parties to allow the plants to run a few years longer. (last year, one of the plants was shut off for 100 days of thear year because of failures)

Comment Re:92% efficiency?? (Score 1) 327

The system is actually just as efficient in the summer.
What they do is sore all that energy in a water tank and as soon es it is full they obviously won't use your generator until you used some warm water.
It is a grid technology and this only works out if you have got enough households with that generator. And you can calculate quite simply how many generators you need at least and how big the tank size needs to be, so that this can work out.

Comment Re:Uh? (Score 5, Informative) 327

The point is that nuclear plants can't be shut of in a few minutes (coal plants neither) and waters storing plants are not flexible enough. Because of that many windmills and water dams are shut of even thou they could produce green energy. So what it really means is that this technology will allow real green technology to run when ever it can.
Just a statistics i remember (i can not cite it anymore thou) is that about 40% of green energy is wasted because the electric grid couldn't handle it.
Linux Business

Pushing Linux Adoption Through Gaming 269

An article on CNet questions the viability of using games as part of a strategy to increase Linux adoption. It points out a blog post by Andrew Min which suggests: "... Linux companies also need to start paying attention to the open source gaming community. Why? It's lacking. However, gamers can get excited about free games. They just have to be up to par with commercial games. The problem is, commercial companies pay hundreds of employees to build a game for several years, while many competing gaming projects only last several years before the developer moves on. It's time for open source developers to start getting paid for their jobs. Who better to pay them than the companies that benefit most?"

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