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Student Googles Himself, Finds He's Accused of Murder 184

University of Florida student Zachary Garcia was more than a little surprised to find out he was wanted for murder after Googling his name. It turns out the police were looking for a different man but had mistakenly used Garcia's photo. From the article: "Investigators originally released a driver's license photo of Zachary Garcia — spelled with an 'A' — but it was Zachery Garcia — spelled with an 'E'— who was charged in connection with the crime."

Comment Not Cylons, Nigerians (Score 1) 105

I dealt with spam sent via phished passwords in a previous job. No one could relay through our site, and our IDS blocked large mail bombs via authenticated SMTP and IMAP, so the spammers always got in by logging in via the HTTP interface and apparently cutting and pasting spam messages one recipient at a time.

About 3/4 of the spammy logins were from Nigeria and Togo and the rest were from various places like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and various UAE states. It's the ultimate work from home job!

Comment The known problem wth asymmetrical DSL (Score 2, Insightful) 591

If you become a seed for a popular file, you can peg your upload bandwidth. If your upload bandwidth is fairly small (Most users probably still have 1.5/384 or even 512/128 in the US), and you are trying to download something at the same time with TCP (HTTP, FTP, etc), the upload will clobber a lot of the ACKs that the download session is trying to send, and the download bandwidth will get clobbered as well.

You can work around this with QoS to some extent. Some cheap-ass DSL routers might now or soon even support a scheme where ACKs are prioritized over everything else.

Comment Three choices (Score 3, Informative) 446

I have a wonderful book from the 60s, "700 Science Experiments for Everyone", originally published as "UNESCO Source Book for Science Teaching." It was wonderful gems like "How to Make an Electric Toaster" ("Your problem is to find a convenient was to mount 5 metres (no less!) of nichrome wire in a space no larger than a slide of bread."), and cutting apart old torch batteries to get the carbon rods to make an arc light, connected directly to the mains via a rheostat made from wire-wound rocks immersed in salt water. Not to mention DIY test tubes, alcohol lamps, etc.

Or, you can grow up to be a lawyer, or someone who scrubs toilets for lawyers.

Comment The electric meter will sap and impurify you. (Score 1) 172

PG&E was very close to rolling out the capability for nearly everyone in California to look at their power usage in near-real time online, but public hysteria over the "RF" generated by smart meters has halted rollout in many locations.

The recent gas line explosion really has called out the pitchfork and torches types, so I except most other locations in the US to have this a lot sooner than California.

Of course PG&E really wants the capablity to charge us double on the hottest days, but they would also like to be able to offer reduced rates if you charge an electric vehicle at night. Right now, if you have an EV you have to put in on a separate meter to get cheaper nighttime electricity for it.

Comment Re:Unbreakable, eh? (Score 1) 82

"Unbreakable" is really just RHEL with a fairly useful GUI for Xen strapped on along with a big giant phallus to impress CIO types.

Which makes it no more or less "unbreakable" than anything else out there, including the billions of hosts running everything else that are vulnerable to CVE-2010-308.

Comment DOES really matter (Score 1) 1027

Because people in technical fields who don't have a grip on reality are dangerous to the profession. What if the next time someone found a bug in your code your management required you to sacrifice a goat as the means to fixing it and then shipped it anyway ?

It's the inverse (?) of “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Comment Re:Cue increase in accidents (Score 1) 825

I've only driven into Las Vegas and Minden from California.

**Every single time** I have driven into Las Vegas it's taken 3 hours to get into town from the state line because some ass clown has rear ended a bunch of slower cars at 90 mph somewhere outside of town and the NHP are busy cleaning up the mess.

As for the 2-lane roads in the rest of the state, feel free to take a nap while going 90 and pray some geezer rancher with a trailer full of livestock doesn't pull out 1/4mil in front of you.

Comment ESPN (Score 1) 421

Don't forget the full ESPN package. In HD, games look awesome on a 20 x 35 - foot screen.

Just to be on the safe side, make a big screen shot of an all-nodes-green Net Manager layout or whatever you use, and keep an image viewer running with that image handy. (I had a previous employer that actually did put up a screen shot of all-OK Net View or whatever, for VIP visits.)

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