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Comment Re:I argue differently (Score 2) 213

Uh, Java is Open Source, .net is server-side (except for Silverlight of course) and Flash does undermine standardization as well. What's your point again?

.NET has at least 3 different ways to write client-side apps...Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight (not to mention ajax web apps and xna). Silverlight is basically a flash clone with .net as the platform it runs on and a tweaked version of wpf for the UI. What does Java being open source have to do with anything? I'm by no means a Microsoft fan, just wanted to set the record straight. Score: 5 informative for making false statements, so long as they say "Open Source"....YAY Slashdot!

Comment This is fear-mongering (Score 2, Interesting) 163

This neo-luddite fear-mongering must end!!! Properly secured browsers negate these "new" threats. The only "problem" as I see it, is the likely-hood that in browser manufacturers (Apple, Google, Microsoft, Firefox, Opera, etc.) rush to get these new capabilities, they'll put security on the back burner and we'll have a few years of this nonsense. This is no reason to not implement compelling features. It just raises the stakes for people to do it right. Having spent some time developing some HTML5, I for one, am looking forward to the new goodness.

Comment Re:Unfortunately for RIM... (Score 1) 244

I've squeaked out 2 days before too, but I typically get a full day's worth of charge on my iPhone4 and the same on my 3G. If I talk on it all day, then it'll die around then end of the business day, and truth be told, once it gets to that point I usually wait a little while to charge it so I can have a bit of peace. I can't go long though, since I compulsively use the hell out of my phone.

Comment Re:And this folks... (Score 1) 571

Allow me to preface this by saying that I did not RTFA, nor do I inherently disagree with licensing, but...

It does make it difficult for businesses to work with open source, and it makes developers have to understand legal matters in addition to everything else we have to learn. Every system, including open source, ties you to its platform. I, for one, am enjoying the walled garden development right now with it's glitzy proprietary open standards really do get what you pay for.

Comment Re:If it affects "every wireless phone"... (Score 1, Interesting) 427

I think this is a load of crap myself. I bought the iPhone 4 at launch with the bumper. That said, I immediately looked for yellow spots on the screen and tested this reception problem sans bumper. There are no yellow spots, no sparkles, and no reception problems, even when intentionally holding the way described. I am not experiencing any problems. It is a beautiful device, it is VERY VERY fast...the kind of noticeable speed difference there was going from a 386 to a pentium. Also, the screen is so nice. I literally cannot see pixels on it no matter how close I get to it. I can't wait until this is the norm for TV's and monitors...Frankly, the only thing that ticks me off is that my brand new Macbook Pro doesn't have the same screen...mmm, that would be nice. On a side note, Slashdot has really gotten a tad snooty with this walled garden bullshit. Some people like to sunbathe naked in their walled gardens. Some of us think it's a bit tacky to sunbathe naked in public gardens. Really really good shit happens inside of walled gardens, and you serfs on the outside will always bitch. Noone here likes to point out Apple's open source contributions anymore (Darwin and Webkit), nor do they like to point out that Apple pushes open standards (HTML5, WebDAV, CalDAV, etc). PLUS, Mac is UNIX...real UNIX, and a really good implementation of it at that, yet all I hear on this site is some snooty attitude like Android is better because it's more open...meh, I've got two words for all you haters out there: FaceTime PhoneSex.

Comment He's a Moron, however... (Score 1) 393

Ok, that guy is a complete and total idiot, but when I first saw the title I thought, he wrote a computer virus to alter his DNA...i.e. using computer software to manipulate "genetic software" (I call rights to that one, bitches). Anyways, my idea is way cooler and scarier than some idiot with an implanted chip that infected a computer...a better story would have been the chip he implanted in himself gave him syphilis, then cured said syphilis, or that he went through the trouble of implanting a chip, only to find his firewall or anti-virus software blocked his attack, he contracted some disease from the implanted chip and the world is left with one less moron...too harsh?

Comment Re:Great. :( (Score 1) 484

No I mean RAM...I have 4GB on my MacBook Pro (Core i7). I have to run Virtual Machines for work...sadly Windows development. Anyways, I use VirtualBox because I'm cheap and I've had the best luck with it under Windows and Linux (i.e. it's faster than VMWare). But when I crank up 2 VMs with iMovie churning away and I've used up all 4GB...shit gets kinda ugly and it crashed my machine once, so I've been a bit timid since then to max it out. The 8GB upgrade comes tomorrow though :)

Comment Re:+1 Troll for Summary (Score 1) 484

Depends. I can respect that from a usability standpoint, it's an impressive device. I like the UI, and it works well. HOWEVER, from a simple political perspective, the iPhone is just WRONG.

...and I'm buying a phone for political reasons, or because "it works well"? There's a reason every phone is compared to the's the best. Don't tell me how this phone has a company with politics you like better and that it has a higher megapixel camera and x, y and z, because it's still not "better" or the iPhone would be one of hundreds of other phones compared to the "best" phone out there. Raw specs and/or politics don't make a better user experience.

Comment Re:Great. :( (Score 1) 484

XBox360 and/or PS3 do a bang-up job...I was thinking today about ditching cable...I'm either on the damned computer or I'm watching a Netflix movie on the 360. If it weren't for the History channel, comedy central, and the stupid news networks (so I can keep up with the rest of the sheep). Oh, and for the record, I just got a Macbook Pro (the new ones, and my first Mac) and I've been asking myself why, why did I wait so long to just have my damned computer work (with the exception of running out of memory which Windows actually handles better). It's really great, I love it. I'm going to get my son one for Christmas as long as he keeps his shit together. I just set up an Ubuntu server and I'm kind of wishing I spent the extra 200 bucks on the mac mini server..oh well, next round.

Comment A history of incompetence... (Score 3, Interesting) 236

When I was a young buck working my first developer job in college Compaq had the best little handheld ever was the iPhone of was iPaq. It ran Windows CE, which is shit today because it's hardly changed since 1996. However, in 1998, it was amazing. We developed some software for them (and the customers went with $4000 ruggedized B&W models as opposed to the $500 or $600 iPaq, which was awesome. HP bought Compaq, started making the iPaq with cheaper and cheaper parts. it got shittier and shittier and slower and slower and Microsoft focused on bastardizing it into a phone and HP said meh. Then iPhone comes along (which I have and love btw), and everyone's like, oooh, it's never been done before, well arguably not as good, but still, iPaq as a bad-ass machine in its day and HP fucked it...guess what they'll do with Palm, who it could easily be argued beat out iPaq only to fuck themselves with incompetence. While I'm at it, fuck Android...bring on the flamebait. The irony of the parallels between the phone computer was between Apple/iP* and Google/Android and Apple and Microsoft back in the day is clear. Microsoft copied from Apple and released an open, but shoddy platform. Google is copying from Apple and releasing an open, but shoddy platform. I may be alone here, but I hope Apple wins this one. I'm sure I'm alone in being excited about actual innovation coming out of Redmond with Windows Phone 7...but it looks like their glossing over some clunkiness (typical).

Comment Re:My plate is pretty full right now... (Score 1) 479

so ... really the question isn't why are some corps dragging their feet on migrating to Windows 7... the question is why are so many corporations blowing money money on upgrading (when it's not *necessary*)? (Why should any corporation upgrade to Windows 7?)

I agree, and I keep telling those kids to get off my lawn. They distract me from working on my Windows 3.1 environment with winsock to get on the Internet. Wake up jackass. I fixed my app a year ago so it would work with IIS7 and I had 64 bit working 4 years ago. I write apps for paramedics and firemen and sell them to the public sector who largely uses XP...Why? because the hardware manufacturers and other lazy developers haven't gotten around to it and/or think compatibility mode will work for them instead so they don't have to fix their apps. I unfortunately interface with 3 different publicly traded defibrillator manufacturers...none of their software works in 64 bit windows and only one works on Vista, none work on 7.

Comment Re:Straw man? (Score 1) 405

Mod the parent up. The iPod/iPhone/iPad world is a closed system, just like xbox360 and xbox live...people complain there too about running unauthorized binaries on the xbox, but the ones who do generally do so to play pirated games and/or mod the games, screwing the online experience of those poor bastards who actually shelled out the cash to have the proper experience, not to mention screwing the developers. The closed ecosystem restricts your freedom and costs you more money, but you generally have an easier more predictable experience and that's what people generally want. So complain away, but that's why the Apple ecosystem is kicking everyone's ass.

Apple Orders 10 Million Tablets? 221

Arvisp writes "According to a blog post by former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee, Apple plans to produce nearly 10 million tablets in the still-unannounced product's first year. If Lee's blog post is to be believed, Apple plans to sell nearly twice as many tablets as it did iPhones in the product's first year."

Are Complex Games Doomed To Have Buggy Releases? 362

An anonymous reader points out a recent article at Gamesradar discussing the frequency of major bugs and technical issues in freshly-released video games. While such issues are often fixed with updates, questions remain about the legality and ethics of rushing a game to launch. Quoting: "As angry as you may be about getting a buggy title, would you want the law to get involved? Meglena Kuneva, EU Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is putting forward legislation that would legally oblige digital game distributors to give refunds for games, putting games in the same category in consumer law as household appliances. ... This call to arms has been praised by tech expert Andy Tanenbaum, author of books like Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. 'I think the idea that commercial software be judged by the same standards as other commercial products is not so crazy,' he says. 'Cars, TVs, and telephones are all expected to work, and they are full of software. Why not standalone software? I think such legislation would put software makers under pressure to first make sure their software works, then worry about more bells and whistles.'"

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