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Submission + - Wireless Carriers Considering Net Neutrality Death

suraj.sun writes: Wireless Carriers OPENLY Considering Charging Per Service

A marketing webinar put on by two companies that count Verizon, AT&T and Vodafone as clients, describes a system that identifies customer internet activity and charges a different rate for using Facebook than watching YouTube, while allowing access to Vodafone services for free.

Yes, that's basically the nightmare scenario for net neutrality advocates. The two companies behind the slide are Allot Communications and Openet, which sell subscriber-management tools to carriers around the world — tools that Allot's director of marketing says can scan even encrypted packets to determine what service customers are using and charge accordingly.

Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/19/wireless-carriers-openly-considering-charging-per-service/

Comment Both actually (Score 1) 390

To read, there's nothing like a paper book. It is just convenient apart from everything else awesome about it. Plus the uniqueness of a book can play a big part in the value, I can pass down a book with my inscription in it and it's not the same as even a tablet pc used to inscribe an e-book.

However if I'm just looking for a phrase or something or if I'm looking for a book to re-read, I would prefer an electronic version that is searchable.

Comment Re:Wake up (Score 2, Insightful) 619

Your precious citizens, the corporate overlords, ship manufacturing to china and support calls to India and you blame the people who took a job for the loss of 'your jobs' ? Blame the manager who made the decision to give the job to someone else, not the person who chose to accept it. BTW. Do you believe in free trade? Do you know that it extends beyond goods and services? It applies for jobs too. Jobs subject to the free market and all that. I wonder why the usual free trade nuts simultaneously hate outsourcing. It's like they choose the part which only benefits them.

Comment Re:indeed (Score 1) 1231

Y'know what this kind of bitching, hey download and test the beta builds, contribute to debugging; is fine for the technically inclined out there but you release it to the general public they won't even know what the hell you're talking about. Btw, why are there so many regressions anyway? Wifi worked in 8.04, I didn't expect to *break* in a clean install of 8.10 among numerous other issues. If you can really say "well expect things to break that already work, tough shit" you're a tool of unimaginable magnitude.

Comment Obscene (Score 1) 229

Well a lot of games involve violence of some sort as critical to gameplay, FPS being a favourite of mine where the objective is to annhilate occasionally with good strategy. Games with a sexual objective? Not so much. Of course there could be just as well. However apart from this it's interesting to note just what society calls 'obscene' in Indian movies a hint of sexuality gets a movie's rating bumped up a couple age groups but a movie I once saw which had systematic hunting down and killing people in crazy ways (including being decapitated by a flying car door from a car exploding) and having a head sheared off with brute force, this got a fucking G rating. While matrix 3 with it's tiny no parts visible sex in the beginning automatically gets that an R rating. There's hypocrisy for you.

Submission + - How should dreamy but geeky girl look like?

Fotograf Stuttgart writes: I have been contracted to make a geeky calendar for one IT management company. They need basically girls in geeky environment but should not be clique like many others. Basically we are looking for fresh ideas for each month environment with one theme — cute geeky girl (with possibly some nerds around) rules the day of her coworkers while saving the world from cyber attack, etc. Following women in IT, Girl's day and other activities here in Germany. Girls will (except two) not be from IT, but will be H&Med to look like your ideas. Calendar will be R rated (so -partially — hidden nudity is fine) and B&W. Good submissions will be paid back to community by CC licensed PDF of final version. While we have many own ideas, we welcome your comments and want to use the "based on IT community dreams" subtitle. So question is, how would the best each month art photo from geeky environment look like? Thank You!

Submission + - Why is anonymity stigmatized on slashdot?

An anonymous reader writes: Saying people on slashdot value privacy should be an understatement with the reaction any political invasion of privacy gets.
However, the attitude of slashdotters to the anonymous posters can be very hostile with several people saying they wouldn't read anonymous posts. Slashdot itself somewhat criticizes it with the title 'Anonymous Coward(on)' or the user preferences page where it refers to not "hiding..behind cowardly anonymity" and such. Granted anyone who really needed anonymity would not be bothered by that but still.
What's up with that?

Comment A business decision (Score 2, Insightful) 644

First I thought ASUS had crossed the line, it's one thing to promote MS and it's another to trash linux. Especially since it had become wildly popular because of its linux version and all the cool things you could now do with a open system on a tiny computer. Obviously I am outraged (damnit stupid think-of-the-children types have usurped that word). Then I thought about their point of view. They get cash from microsoft, free publicity and a 0.1% of population of outraged geeks and nerds. Looks like a great strategy to sell more laptops while burning any cred they had with the open source crowd. Fuck 'em.

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