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Comment Really (Score 1) 318

It's an audacious product for a company no one trusts to behave responsibly with our data

Hyperbole much? Given the amount of data I already trust google with I think it's safe to say I trust google with this.

The Military

Ukrainian Attack Dolphins Are On the Loose 99

Hugh Pickens writes "The Ukrainian Navy has a small problem on their hands. The Atlantic reports that, after rebooting the Soviet Union's marine mammal program last year with the goal of teaching dolphins to find underwater mines and kill enemy divers, three of the Ukrainian military's new recruits have gone AWOL. Apparently they swam away from their trainers ostensibly in search of a 'mate' out in open waters. It might not be such a big deal except that these dolphins have been trained to 'attack enemy combat swimmers using special knives or pistols fixed to their heads.' Dolphins were trained at Sevastopol for the Soviet Navy as far back as 1973 to find military equipment such as sea mines on the seabed as well as attacking divers and even carrying explosives on their heads to plant on enemy ships. The U.S. has its own dolphin program in San Diego with 40 trained dolphins and sea lions and another 50 in training. U.S. Navy dolphins were deployed in Bahrain in 1987 during a period when Iran was laying down mines in the Persian Gulf to disrupt oil shipments. No word yet on whether 'sharks with frickin' laser beams attached' have been added to the U.S. arsenal." Update: 03/14 14:55 GMT by T : Note that (as the Atlantic has updated their story reached via above link) while there really are militarized dolphins in use around the world, this particular story turns out to be an elaborate prank.

Comment Re:Not trying hard enough... (Score 1) 441

We're talking about upper tier undergrads, then yes its known. I went to a college of about 2000 students and I knew two people who got perfect SAT's just in my group of friends, similarly I only knew of two who maintained 4.0's, although one lost it due to a B in the elective "Science Fiction" course, that was good for a laugh.

Comment Re:Not trying hard enough... (Score 2) 441

I'm going to throw out a bullshit here. Even at the most difficult of under graduate colleges you're still going to have people capable of maintaining a 4.0 throughout there college career while taking difficult courses. You're going to know multiple people with perfect SAT/ACT scores and you'll invariably know one or two who can pull off a 4.0 regardless of course load.

Comment Re:There are already ample laws available... (Score 4, Informative) 444

Thank you for your post full of stereotypical and uninformed derp. .223 is for the military? No .223 is the civilian chambering of the 5.56 military round (they operate at different pressures). The .223 is a common hunting round and I own a pistol chambered in it as well. However the 5.56 is for most purposes functionally identical and I'd bet it's used for hunting to a large extent as well. It's also one of the most inexpensive mid range rifle calibers for target shooting, far cheaper to target shoot with than the custom wildcat calibers many target shooters use.

Also please stop talking about about high velocity rounds and walls before you actually read something on the subject.

Comment Re:No you shouldn't. (Score 2) 444

Exactly this, it's the same issue with the stupid 'assault weapon ban' the democratic party insists on keeping on it's ticket. They are used in a miniscule amount of gun related incidents (low single digit percent) and the DOJ studies all confirmed that the ban did nothing. However it sounds scary and makes a great news sound byte so it still persists just like the printing guns angle. The people who can afford to print and manufacture there own guns share a very small part of the venn diagram with people who commit crimes using guns.

Comment Re:No you shouldn't. (Score 1) 444

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if both of your fake examples were true, by the same logic that you try and argue about guns. I'd suspect people who are going into situations where dehydration is a real concern are more likely to bring bottled water but even with that precaution are more likely to end up lost and dead of dehydration. Similarly I'd suspect people who are more likely to carry jumper cables are people who know they have older cars/batteries.

This thought experiment is mostly pointless as your statistics are mostly bogus and in no way represent controlled experiments.

Comment Re:Yes and No (Score 2) 254

Having spent the last year developing an app that falls strictly into the later category (tracking) I was operating under the impression that the division you described is how things currently operate. The idea I received from our client was that as long as we did not encourage decisions or try to promote behavior we didn't have to worry about going through FDA regulation. This didn't save us from developing to the same standards as we would have for FDA submission, since the client has plans to expand the product in the future.

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