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Submission + - First programming language-aware merge tool is now free for OSS (

rocket22 writes: SemanticMerge merges source code files based on its structure and not the matching text blocks. This way Semantic is able to resolve conflicts involving functions that have been modified and moved concurrently, which is a frequent operation when programmers clean up code while development continues, and tends to be avoided due to the lack of proper tools.

Open beta was originally released for C# and Java support was added recently. Mac OS and Linux versions are the two top requests in the User Voice, followed by more languages such us JavaScript and C++.

The site announces it is free for developers working on Open Source projects.

Submission + - Method history for Subversion released (

rocket22 writes: 99% of the times you search through the history of a file in Subversion you're probably looking for what happened to a specific method. But, following a method is not easy since most likely it has been moved around the file, heavily refactored and modified over time. The "method history for Subversion" Visual Studio plugin tries to come up with a solution: it is able to find what happened to a given method exploring the different revisions in the history of the file and locating the given method on each of them. It is available for Visual Studio and C# and the Eclipse plugin will follow shortly.

Submission + - An angry user interface (

rocket22 writes: Developers and designers struggle on a daily basis to come up with better user experiences. But, haven't you feel the need sometimes to be really tough with users who repeatedly make the same mistakes? At the end, it is going to be your fault, but wouldn't it be great, for a second, to have the chance to deliver a crazy GUI able to respond to the user in the way he deserves? That's what the following demo does: going wild and teaching a couple of lessons to the painful user, he won't come back again, granted... Take it as a joke, that's what it is!

Submission + - GitJungle, visual evolution on git branches (

rocket22 writes: Git, the distributed version control system (DVCS) created by Linus Torvals and now used by millions of developers around the world, is very strong on branching and merging which means coders end up with hundreds of branches on their repositories. GitJungle has just been launched as a free beta and comes up with an alternative way to display history compared to what GitK and GitX were able to do so far. It renders branches horizontally and explicitly draws merge arrows. It runs on Linux, Windows and MacOS X.

Submission + - Linus on branching practices (

rocket22 writes: Not long ago Linus Torvalds made some comments about issues the kernel maintainers were facing while applying the "feature branch" pattern. They are using Git (which is very strong with branching and merging) but still need to take care of the branching basics to avoid ending up with unstable branches due to unstable starting points. While most likely your team doesn't face the same issues the kernel development does, and even if you're using a different DVCS like Mercurial, is worth to take a look at the description of the problem and the clear solution to be followed in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The same basics can be applied to every version control system with good merge tracking, so let's avoid religious wars and focus on the technical details.

Submission + - Merging, a developer's nightmare? (

rocket22 writes: Whether you code for a living or as a regular open source project contributor, you will find yourself making changes that collide with the ones made by other programmers. It's time to merge! It doesn't really matter whether you commit to a centralized Subversion repository or if you are using one of the modern DVCS (Git, Mercurial, Darcs), sooner or later you’ll have to run some sort of merge operation. But, is the average developer aware of the advantages brought by the newest SCMs in terms of merge tracking? What about the difference between a 2-way and a 3-way merge? This blog post explains, in a tool-agnostic way, the basics behind merging and the advantages and problems involved.

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