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Comment Re:So what this really means... (Score 1) 249

Not necessarily. The MIT Open Courseware videos are hosted through Youtube. And there are some pretty good educational videos on there like the ones put together by Vsauce, SmarterEveryDay, Veritasium, and The Slow Mo Guys. I bet the majority of views on Youtube are for cat videos, but not all the videos are utter brain candy.

Comment Re:Tomato (Score 1) 193

I have one of the supported Asus with AC onboard. So far I've not felt the need to switch to Tomato although I've used it previously on a WRT54G. So far the features I've found have worked fine and the router hasn't disappointed. Can you tell me what new or different features you found in Tomato to warrant switching? I've already got a VPN solution, I don't need a NAS, this isn't a primary firewall for my network nor do I need to use any sort of dynamic DNS from it. Mostly so far it's just an AP, albeit one I hope is stronger than the WEP I was having to use on the WRT :-O

I would say based on what you said, there is no need to upgrade to Tomato. I use it to host a free wireless internet AP that is separate from my LAN, an SSH tunnel for some unfiltered internet for my work, a remote computer starter when I need to remote in on vacation or otherwise. I've also become accustomed to its interface so that when I switched from a WRT54GL to the RT-N66U, I instantly loaded Tomato just so I didn't lose familiarity.

Comment Re:Anecdotal Evidence (Score 1) 203

Of course, I'm changing industries from Network Administration to Lab Science, should finish my coursework in about 2 more years, so I'll never have to worry about it again.

Interesting, I'm doing the almost exact opposite. I'm going from chemistry labs to a cube farm and I, too, have 2 more years of coursework before I do that.

Comment Unusual (Score 1) 121

I attend the University of Iowa and I'm surprised it's living off of caffeine in a flower bed. I would've thought it would have either been alcohol or alcohol-infused vomit. Although, those caffeine-infused beers are quite popular around here.

Comment Re:Sony Hack (Score 1) 118

If you have seen the Anime Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, that description is almost a word-for-word description of the Laughing Man. An interesting show, that. Delves into the subject of a cyber identity. Plus, like any other Anime, it has a lead woman in a tight outfit.

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