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Comment Re:Not surprised (Score 2) 319

I don't know about other developers, but I do care, and try to keep pages small. More and more people are accessing the web on mobile devices, so minimizing the data going back and forth, and round trips to the server, is important to user experience. In the design community, designing with mobile devices in mind is a growing practice.

Comment Re:High school doesn't prepare you for college (Score 1) 841


So you're happy with your situation, and that's a good thing. Obviously, you made the right decisions for you.
But what's up with implying that anyone who does differently is stupid? Sure, the single life was fun for a while, but I wouldn't give up my wonderful husband and kids for all the partying in the world. I may be a little more tired going to work after getting up at night with kids, and my house might look like a toy store exploded in it. And instead of going out to bars, we settle for a beer on the couch after the kids go to bed. But at the end of the day when my little guys are happy to see me, and I watch my husband having a blast playing with them, it's all worth it.
We may not have a ton of money for all the things we want, but we're comfortable enough, and we're doing work we enjoy. We're certainly not miserable, and I never feel like I'm missing out.

So, enjoy the life you've chosen, and don't waste any of your time feeling sorry for me.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 448

There's a difference here though. We're adults, and yes, we should be able to adapt within reason. However, the article specifically refers to second graders. I don't think we should expect the same of seven-year-olds as we do of adults. If I have to work with someone with a strong accent, I can adapt with a little extra effort, and it won't bother me as long as they don't get offended when I occasionally have to ask them to repeat something. But if my young child can't understand his teachers, I'm going to have a problem with that.

Comment Re:Context (Score 1) 448

This depends on the level of the students. At university, I had several professors with heavy accents, and it just required a little more effort on my part to listen more closely, and ask for repetitions occasionally, and this was not a problem for me. I would expect university students, as adults, to be capable of doing the same, or in the case that the accent is just too difficult to understand, to say something to the professor. The article, however, was specifically referring to elementary school children. I would not expect the same of them as I would of university, or even high school students. In the second grade, kids should not have to struggle to understand their teacher. There is a lot for kids to learn in elementary school, and I don't think it benefits them to have to learn to understand accents at the same time.

Comment Re:How Scientists Raze Parents. (Score 1) 233

It's hard to know how much of our logic kids understand, especially when they are young toddlers and don't use many words yet. I try to err on the side of telling my 19 month old son a little more of a rational explanation than I really expect him to understand. This way, I figure, if he doesn't get it, I'm still at least getting in the habit of using logic with him, and on the off chance he does, that's a bonus. Hopefully this is the right way to do things, anyway.

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