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Comment Someone did what? (Score 4, Insightful) 78

I cannot believe this lawsuit was in good faith by the person suing. If there was a "false-flag" for Ads being wanted, ever, this would have to be it. It's doesn't make sense. No sense at all. FB probably cant wait to settle to show the first, admissible in court, proof that adverts online aren't wanted but so desired that folks are willing to siefor their right to be advertised to. *Super Bowl ads being entertainment may be the only exception.

Comment Re:Stupid imo (Score 2) 41

The Roku Netflix app was very nice. Then Netflix forced everyone to use their version so it was consistent, too bad they didn't bother considering that most apps out there actually functioned much better than anything they have ever come up with. Roku's version was and most likely still would be miles ahead in function and features.

Comment Re:Is this "28 billion" number meaninful? (Score 1) 124

I thought our sun was one of the stars that we believe will last for ~100Trillion years. Trillion, not billion. That said, the sun will expand in size covering the distance from where the sun is today and somewhere past Mars and before Jupiter. So Earth will be annihilated in time no matter way but it's going to be on the scale of another dozen billion years or so.

Comment Re:The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has little sa (Score 1) 46

Seemed silly that the FTC blocked this but has let so much other cannibalism within sectors and to foreign companies. I get it, there is only a few MAJOR chipmakers right now but there seems to be more competition there then in many of industries. If NVIDIA was being acquired by ARM or a Chinese company (pre-Huawei debacle) then this would likely just have happened... Nevermind that I can get (realistic) internet from one provider or dial-up. Or I can have my choice of crummy-telecom-1 or crappier-telecom-2 or not-terrible-but-service-is-spotty-telecom-3...etc. Oh don't worry about food production and supply chains. Outsourcing them to foreign powers is A-OK. Seriously it seems like we live in a satire.

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