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Comment first they AASed the... (Score 0) 171

First they "As-A-Service"ed the search and I did not speak out,
for I was not a search specialist.

Then they AASed the aggregation and I did not speak out,
for I was not an aggregation specialist.

Then they AASed the compiler, ...

Then they AASed the debugger, ...

Then they AASed the programmer, ...

They they AASed the algorithmist, ...

Then they AASed the thinker, ...

Then they AASed the lover, ...

Then they programmed us remaining robots to never speak out again.

Comment not a discovery (Score 1) 283

This is not a discovery; making a model is part of the process, true (forming a hypothesis), but there is no validation. Anyone can poke a few formulas into a spreadsheet and call themselves scientists, otherwise.

Furthermore, doesn't the subject matter have something to do with the maleability (or commitedness) of the individuals? How is that addressed in the study?

Comment authenticated cowardice (Score 3, Insightful) 310

Kind of opposite of "anonymous coward" is the "authenticated coward", which is what this "culture of restraint" will encourage. You are someone only if you don't say anything. Anyone who says something (not officially condoned) is a persona non grata.

Yuck! Someone tag this Do Not Want, please.

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
