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Comment Battery? (Score 1) 522

Actually getting a laptop that emphasized battery life was probably the best thing I've ever done. Not actually being tethered to an outlet to do work is great. I didn't realize how big a hindrance it was to have laptop that couldn't last a day on a single charge while doing basic tasks.

Comment Will it be in English? (Score 1) 233

I think a lot of the appeal of park would be lost to Trekkies if the park just catered to Arabic speaking tourists. At the same time though, it's in an Arabic speaking country so it seems kind of odd for it be in English.

I guess it'll have to be bi-lingual in absence of universal translators. This situation just seems kind of odd to me in that American franchise would have a theme park catering to it in another part of the world.

Comment Re:It's like watching a train wreck. (Score 4, Insightful) 462

"Useless" is completely subjective. What I happen to deal with is urban planning which some would consider unnecessary government regulations. I obviously disagree with that notion but I'll leave that for another time.

The issue I have is when Tea Party groups around the country are trying to shut down planning and building codes departments which happen to push for sustainability. Some rather vocal Tea Party folks feel that sustainability is a vast conspiracy put forth by the United Nations to establish a one world government. The Agenda 21 stuff they're spouting is utterly bizarre and they can't be talked out of it. I have no problem if they have issues with building codes or urban planning but please stick with conventional lines of attack such as property rights instead of adhering to some conspiracy bullshit.

Comment Re:dumb fuck (Score 2) 456

Except it looks like he made the post 4 years ago while in the United States. Just making a critical statement about a country then getting arrested for it years down the road while visiting isn't a very good precedent. I'm sure since this guy is a US citizen, the State Department will work something out though.

Comment Re:Modular (Score 4, Interesting) 482

I think you'd have a different perspective on trailers if you lived in the South. They're all over the place due to how cheap they are. They're meant to used on a more temporary basis but people continue to use them as their permanent homes. As a result most trailers are in poor condition and would literally fall apart if you attempted to move them. At that point they're just an eyesore and detract from everything around them (including property values)... That's the real reason they're not allowed in most cities.

Modular Homes are completely different and are meant to be used as permanent structures, hence they have no axles. Due to how controlled the factory environment is, you'll often times get a better quality modular house than you would a conventionally built one.

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