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Comment Re:Will the Bible be next? (Score 1) 764

Yes, there are such stories in the Bible. What level of detail do they rise to? I haven't read the stories referred to in TFA (and don't want to), but my guess is they are a little more detailed than the instances referred to in the Bible ... and yes, that does make a difference for many people. Also, what light those acts are painted in is relevant.

Keep in mind that the Bible *recounts what happened* and what happened to those people subsequently... with the intent that we learn correct behavior for ourselves as a result. It is a history and not fiction. For someone to write fiction about such acts, they have to dwell on them a bit in their mind and dream it all up to be able to write it down ... is that a pleasant/ good thing? Not IMHO.

Granted, some will posit that the Bible is fictional ... not my conviction.

Comment Interesting how ... (Score 1) 764

Censorship seems to have become a bad word. Censorship can be good or bad. We use Netflix parental controls to 'censor' what our children might be exposed to ... intentionally or inadvertently. I (amongst others), see that as sound parenting practice, others may not. You could argue whether or not amazon removing a product is even 'censorship'. To some it is good, to some it is bad. If your tax money were running Amazon, then you might have a real complaint. As it is, vote with your feet and/or your money.

If you really have the need for books about incest and pedophilia, go buy them from whomever sells them. If you want Amazon ( or Borders or your library or whomever) to carry them, request it from them. I don't, so I'm fine with this [apparently evil] form of censorship.

Maybe their method for review/censor is over-simplistic or just plain inconsistent. But their choice of what they sell is just that ... their choice. As is your choice yours on where and what to buy.

Comment Re:Don't let reality get in the way of your anger (Score 1) 1217

Good point. The teacher and support tech may still have no clue how to support them when something goes awry, but it's school ... so it's a learning opportunity then, right? Which could also be said for using a new OS, right? But nobody's complaining about about learning opportunities here, they're complaining about that fact that Mac's prices are a little higher.

Comment Re:Don't let reality get in the way of your anger (Score 1) 1217

Right ... there should be a choice. The parent post said *Windows* (OS), not x86 or x86_64 (which Apple is anyway). The point is that when choice was taken away with Windows as OS (has been done both ways plenty of times), nobody's making a stink. Same argument ... different product. Reality is that it's either the folks supporting or making the deal/controlling the money that are making the call and it happens both ways (but a stink usually gets raised when it's Apple ... fact, not rant).

And .. "using a cross-platform system (opensource, web-based, etc)" also induces support costs, learning curve, complication factors in/out of the classroom. Do you want to support or be the teacher where you have 30 students...
- 15 with malware-infected Windows using a mix of MSWorks, Open Office and MS Office
- 8 with relatively clean Windows systems. same mix of apps
- 4 with Macs running another variety of Apps
- 3 with Ubuntu (or other linux variant) using an even more potentially obscure (to you as teacher) variety of apps

One could argue that that's how this 'real world' of which people seem to speak is. In the 'real world' people also make decisions such as which kind of computer you are going to use at your [school]work. Personally, I always thought school was part of this 'real world' thing.

Here's your "choice" ...
Pay me now | Pay me later

Comment Re:For serious? (Score 1) 699

Save your vitriol, but put it in the fridge, not freezer. Remember, that suits like this are encouraged by the fact that others have won or at least settled on other absurd claims.

Correction on the department categorization: *america-amazes-me-sometimes* dept should be *because-americans-have-become-a-bunch-of-litigious-ninnies* dept

Comment Re:Disappointed in /. (Score 1) 196

But yet a malformed article (title and content), one which inappropriately attributes a windows backdoor (targeting iPad owners) attack as being aimed at the iPad itself, *did* get approved/promoted as if it were an Apple iPad Security Vulnerability. The said Apple-Fanboy-Slashdotters must be asleep or have also been back-doored or abducted, eh?

Comment Re:Not Correct (Score 2, Insightful) 522

Exactly ... and as for suggestions ... they may be sending requests with keystrokes, but I would imagine they are not 'storing' them along with their order and identifiable data (They could be, but I doubt it). I would think that would be too unreliable and risky in terms of performance. Firefox does essentially the same thing via it's search box when Google and/or Yahoo are selected.

I bet they do store *queries*. A Request does not automatically equate to storing something in a database. Do MSN/BING/Yahoo!/[INSERTSEARCHPROVIDER] not store the queries (along with environmental info. about those queries) and the subsequent clicks and look at that data?

And there's things like this from the article:
In the second part of the video, LePage demonstrates how Internet Explorer 8 has a privacy feature called InPrivate, a privacy mode to allow browsing without leaving a trace. Unfortunately, he fails to acknowledge the existence of Google Chrome's Incognito, which disables history tracking, which undercuts his argument.

And there's the question of how IE does it's Anti-phishing ... I'm sure it send all your URL's through M$'s network. Does he address whether or not those are stored? M$ is just mad that Google beat them to the idea ... Look for it in a future version of IE. Move along folks ... nothing new to see here.

Just check your browser's privacy options and set them to level you are comfortable using them.

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