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Comment Re:Linux still needs decent game dev tools (Score 1) 281

Most major middle ware engines now support Linux as a target platform. I think the only exception I can think of is maybe the latest iteration of the Unreal engine.

there are some smaller players that support authoring on linux - of particular note are
Unigine and in a couple of weeks Leadwerks.

Comment Re:But I heard (Score 1) 249

The science on whether a) The planet is warming b) the cause is greenhouse gasses c) of which the primary culprit is CO2 d) which is caused by Human Activity is pretty much settled.

The parts that aren't settled are exactly how sensitive temperatures are to increases in CO2, exactly what increases in temperature will do to weather patterns how much this will play into the worsening of extreme weather events etc.

For instance we know that when the world was between 1 and 2 degrees hotter (125,000 years ago) that the sea level was 4-6 meters higher than it is today. What we aren't sure about is how long it will take for the ice to melt.

Comment Re:Chemtrail are working (Score 1) 249

Honestly who modded this insightful. Of course the models take into account water vapour into account, and of the effect of water vapour is difficult to model which is a big part of the reason that the error bars given say in the IPCC are quite large.

As for the Antarctic sea ice. The very first article I looked at explains that although the ice extent is a record, the volume of ice is shrinking. It's almost like the somebody read just the headline and made assumptions. I am not sure what finding ice under greenland would prove at all.

Comment Re:Are there any decent Linuxgame authoring tools? (Score 1) 108

Currently your best bet is Unigine. Currently it has better engine but worse tooling than Unity and a 12 month license is in the same ballpark as a Unity Pro License. You probably want at least one programmer in your team if you go this route though. I will say that Linux is absolutely a first class citizen as an Authoring platform for games. I have about 5 years experience Authoring using Unigine on Linux.

If you don't have a coder or the cash and you can hang in there for about a month LeadWorks is in the process of porting. As far as I can tell they are aiming for something similar to Unity. I put money into the kickstarter and am waiting for my copy before I can say more about it.


Comment I have a hp elitebook 8760w (Score 1) 477

solid body, good keyboard and touchpad.
low latency audio capable.
toolless access to battery, 2 ram slots, (single screw for two hdd slots, wireless card).
graphics card, processor and other 2 ram slots can be upgraded with some effort.
optical drive can be replaced with 3rd hdd.
will connect to second battery if you are going to be away from mains for a while. This also angles the keyboard and keeps your lap from burning.
certified to run SuSE linux if linux is your thing.

It's quite a bit heavier than the macbook pro - the w series are portable workstations. The 14 and 15 inch versions are smaller and lighter.

Comment Re:Nothing. In my Professional Opinion. (Score 0) 223

I would be quite happy to challenge Cool Edit Pro on Windows XP vs Ardour 3 on KXStudio.

1) what limits?
2) I can pipe the output of almost any Linux Audio app into the input of almost any other Linux Audio app. Feed a drum machine into a Guitar FX rack - no problem. I can use a fairly wide selection of Virtual Instruments include Windows ones. Same for audio FX. What other types of extension do you want?
3) Most of the applications Have pretty straight forward configuration options - I don't know what to tell you here - not significantly different to any Windows application I have used.
4) I don't even know which interface you are responding to.
5) Good point - not all hardware is supported. If you plan to do Linux audio then you will need to find one that is before you start.

Comment Re:Get your priorities in order (Score 1) 223

Yeah there is more software available on MacOS or Windows in this field but you are way way way overstating your case.

I do audio on linux with both free and commercial software and admittedly I do a lot more in the recording session and less on the computer afterwards but I don't feel that what I am is particularly slower or inferior in quality to what my windows and macOS friends are using.

Comment Re:I tried this... (Score 1) 658

The current development build is fully 16bpc - About a decade later than I would have liked but still - that leap has been made.

Also I think it always was the case that internally where it was needed image data is sampled up to floating point space internally to do such calculations.

Personally I think there is a bit of pissing and whining going on with both the FOSS enthusiasts and the Professionals over this. The gimp is neither as good as the former point out or as lousy as the later claim. I use the GIMP in a professional environment. I am not going to pretend that it is as good as Photoshop but given the amount of time it would save for the things I actually need to do I would take a long time for me to break even (I am in Australia so the Australia tax is a significant contributor to that).

If you are doing motion graphics, texture art or digital painting, I would say look at the Krita project ( They are interested in producing a tool for professionals and it has a healthy amount of development going on behind it.

Comment Re:Science has WRONG and RIGHT answers, solid rule (Score 1) 315

Actually being scientifically literate more or less the exact opposite of this.
In science we know that all knowledge is probabilistic. We know that nothing can be known with 100% certainty. The laws of physics are useful abstractions of nature derived from observation that allow us to make accurate preditictions.

The main difference in belief I can see is seeing careful research and observation as being a more important indicator of truth than opinion or emotional sentiment.

I would add that the degree to which a person is considered ethical with regards to scientific literacy varies through time as the scientific understanding of the world changes.

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