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Comment Re:Running power through wires shock!! (Score 1) 303

I remember in college, they actually did have unconnected ethernet outside of the engineering building. Of course, it hardly mattered since we were the first school in the country to have wifi. Unencrypted, open 802.11b. Oh, and the network was entirely flat and without any firewalls to the dorms. You could drive by, connect to wifi, and execute NETBIOS attacks against students in the dorms.

Comment Re:UE4 engine... (Score 1) 51

I'm not sure Unreal Tournament 4 is a good comparison to anything. It's stupidly fast. It may easily have the most beautiful graphics of any game I've ever played, yet plays effortlessly >60fps at 4k with a R9 390 with ultra settings. Keep in mind, too, how fast the action in this game is.

Games like Battlefield 4 and Tomb Raider on the other hand, play at 60+ fps only with slightly tweaked settings and still have occasional frame drops during moments of high action. They're really not any prettier. The Batman games do well with FPS but still stutter for reasons unknown, but seemingly related to CPU (PhysX? Texture loading?). Point is, UT4 might be in a class of its own.

By the way, one other thing I've noticed is that older games do not necessarily run much faster with beefy hardware. This surprised me. Some such as Doom3 scale well with the newer hardware, whereas games like ROTT 2013 and Serious Sam 3 don't, having worse graphics and performance than newer titles.

Comment Plot of Continuum (Score 3, Interesting) 534

This is basically the plot of Continuum [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_(TV_series)], which is currently in its third season.

I know this is a tangent, but there is a pretty good intersection of interests here on Slashdot between science-fiction and rights of the people versus government. The show makes it interesting because the viewer is meant to basically hate both sides, plus it has time-travel.


Comment Re:Kind of on topic (Score 2) 232

Nobody should intend to film in portrait mode except in rare conditions that do not apply here with phones. The reason people do it is because it is the natural way to hold the phone, not because it is the natural way to watch the video. The phone should fix their mistake by cropping the image down to landscape or square. I don't understand what you mean by "sensor space that would rarely be used". With a square sensor, the recording would ALWAYS be square regardless of portrait or landscape orientation. It might be different than what users expect, so the cropped area on the display could show application icons for various features that are often hidden in pie menus.

Comment The USA is just one of many bad eggs (Score 1) 406

Even if the rest of the world did this, too many other countries (notably those part of FIVE EYES / FVEY) will simply share data back to the USA. Then, you have the problem that other countries such as China, Israel, Singapore, and Korea will simply do the same sort of surveillance as the USA is doing today. In fact, if you think those countries aren't already engaged in such activities, even if only to a smaller extent than the USA, you're living under a rock.

Comment DRM to protect servers (Score 3, Interesting) 684

My employer as well as our direct competitors are looking to use what might be considered DRM to protect servers that run hypervisors for untrusted VMs.

We use SecureBoot to make protect against attacks against our unattended installation / provisioning layer. We use it to make sure binaries aren't seeded into our environment. I.E. we're using trusted computing.

Comment Yes and no... (Score 2) 232

Basically, I haven't done so yet, but I need to get serious about storm preparations tomorrow. I'm in Philly where we expect to get hit hard, and my wife is 9 months pregnant.

We're electric everything here without any gas backups. I'll run out tomorrow and grab propane for the grill, and I've got charcoal and cast-iron, if I need it. We've lined up a generator rental, since we can't find one for purchase, and we're discussing if we want to go forward with it. More likely, I'll get myself an indoor-rated, portable propane heater and some extra tanks.

Not much in the way of dry and canned foods, but I'll pick up what I can tomorrow at the store. Perishables tend to go quick, but the items that actually matter such as cans and UHT pasteurized products, don't go quickly at all. UHT milk will stay good on the shelf for >6 months. Plus, we have enough to last us the next week if I rationed (my wife can't, being pregnant)

Overall, not prepared, but will be... I hope.

Comment Re:OpenStack - fully buzzword compliant (Score 1) 152

You could argue that Linux hardly works out of the box. You run a distribution. Several distributions are being built, some will be open source (keep in mind that OpenStack is Apache Licensed).

Unfortunately, very few distributions have actually be released into the wild as of yet, and those that have have looked more like Slackware than Ubuntu.

Comment Re:Is the OpenStack buzz justified? (Score 2) 152

The KVM bits do seem to be most tested. The Xen stuff works, people use it, but I do question if it is as polished.

CloudStack supports XenServer very well, but it also suffers from all of XenServer's architectural faults and many of its own as well.

(Xen itself is well architected, in my opinion, but the closed XenServer introduces a few oddball design patterns that made sense in a small rack deployment that aren't good for scale out patterns)

Comment Re:What it needs is some beef (Score 1) 152

Cinder provides EBS-like functionality with an OpenStack-native API and support for the AWS api, too.

This is a direct port/rename of the old nova-volumes code. The project is only really gearing up now for serious forward development. Expect more from the next stable release (April 2013).

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