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Comment Re:Fragmentation (Score 1) 617

Doesn't deserve the downvotes.

Android is a nightmare for (game) developers. So many wildly varying specs, some missing major features (no FPU, no multi-touch!)

iOS has been a lot nicer, with only 3 screen resolutions to support, and all devices with FPUs, multi-touch, and PowerVR GPUs. But the new iPad is a big change, with it's huge resolution, making universal apps less practical.

True !

There are a few statistics in the wild that explain the situation further.
Chitika Labs iPad stats iOS stats
Chitika Insights Android Stats

Till now, the devs only had to worry about iDevice + iOS-Version. Now, they also have to worry about iDevice-Version + iOS-Version. The market fragmentation argument claimed by Apple as a benefit against Android has just started getting nullified.

As Apple starts penetrating further into price-sensitive and high volume markets like India where there is no concept of contract lock-in, fragmentation may become more prominent. People tend to hold on to "working" devices for longer and device upgrades are not as frequent. There is no operator subsidy to encourage a device upgrade.

So, in summary, yes. Fragmentation "may" hit Apple and it cant be written off as only some Android specific problem now.

Comment Re:It doesn't take much research (Score 2) 268

Please do not mod the GP to five. It is just spreading more FUD and the parent post is supporting without checking all the facts.

The summary on every page of the wikileaks releases say the following:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Also, everyone who claims to have bothered to visit the website, would know that Dow was just one of the clients.
List of clients is available here.
List of all releases by Wikileaks is available here.

I hope the parent post would have done some research before flaming others for making BS posts without visiting the wikileaks website.

Comment Re:Union Carbide (Score 1) 220

How exactly did Dow have "pretty much everything to do with[...] the Bhopal disaster" when the the closest they come is owning the company that at one point in the past owned the company that owned the plant? The Bhopal plant was run by Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL), and UCIL was sold to an Indian company back in the early 90's. About 7 years later Dow came along and bought Union Carbide. So not only is there a few layers of ownership in between, there is also a gap of several years. Why doesn't Eveready Industries India Ltd (the company that UCIL turned into) get the "baggage" associated with Bhopal?

So, Dow just bought the assets in the 50.5% buy from Union Carbide India Ltd. and all the remaining liabilities were renamed to Eveready Industried India Ltd?

Sure, EIIL also has to share the liabilities. But, Dow and UCC (the previous owners of UCIL) cant wash their hands off by saying that "we used to own that company at some point of time and now we dont."

A truck analogy. I jointly own a truck with my friend. While we both are travelling in a drunk state, we run over a bunch of pedestrians. After the accident, I sell off my part of ownership of the truck to someone else and leave the country. I start working for a different transportation company as their truck driver. The new company in the other country claims that the truck using which the murder happened has been re-painted and ownership of that truck lies with someone else. I claim that I no longer own the truck and hence I am no longer responsible for the death of pedestrians. Is that fair?

Comment Re:Union Carbide (Score 3, Insightful) 220

And, Union Carbide is a wholly owned subsidy of .......... ?

The company acquiring Union Carbide has also acquired all the liabilities along with the assets. Dow has pretty much everything to do with Union Carbide and the Bhopal disaster. If Dow did not want the "baggage" that came along with the Union Carbide purchase, they should have stayed away from it.

Comment Re:I think this is possible (Score 2) 82

Possibility aside... it is appalling that the minister wants to pre-censor all the content generated by users. What he is suggesting is that all user generated content be reviewed before it goes online. This is just intolerance to opposing views.

Almost all social networking websites have a "report abuse" mechanism that is most probably checked by humans after some automated filtering. The point is why introduce censorship of any kind that can affect free speech in a democratic country.

I would have given him due credit if he had asked the websites to improve their abuse check mechanisms or asked for a faster resolution of reported posts / pages. But, his suggestion is to prevent any potentially objectionable post from going online. There is no way this can be justified in a free country.


Submission + - Indian minister seeks censorship for user generate (

punit_r writes: Indian minister for Communications & Information Technology, Kapil Sibal, met officials from Facebook, Google, YouTube and Yahoo on Monday, 5 December 2011, and told them to screen what goes on the sites. He basically asked the websites to actively screen content..

How, do screen such massive amount of data? Well, the IT minister has the perfect recipe. "We'll use humans to screen content and not technology", said the IT minister.

Meanwhile, he got it back from the social media.

Submission + - US officially becomes a police state ( 1

quadrox writes: The national defense authorization act recently passed by the senate contains a provision to let the military detain terrorism suspects on U.S. soil and hold them indefinitely without trial. An attempt to restrict this provision to non US citizens failed.

Submission + - Paypal is being Grinchy (

DiabloQueen writes: Paypal is trying to prevent internet users from helping others. Similar to how they screwed over "Something Awful" fans a few years ago, Paypal is trying to keep the fat jealous losers of Regretsy from helping needy children. April put up a donate button so the Regretsy community could donate to help out needy children this Christmas. Even though Papal had a .pdf up saying it was OK to use the donate button for a worthy cause, now their customer service department claims "You can use the donate button to raise money for a sick cat, but not poor people."
Update from Regretsy:

Comment Re:Slashdot used to be run by technical editors (Score 1) 121

That is my ideal world. Companies should not be allowed to keep control of devices they sell you. (Note this isn't the same as unlocking the phones, which I don't think they should have to do.)

I'm curious. While you argue in favor of jailbreak as a right of the customers, you are not okay with unlock.

Why is it okay for a company to disallow use of a product with any network. Once the customer has paid for the phone, its his/her choice which network to use.

Comment Re:Bad assumption (Score 2) 116

A different way to look at the assumption is, the guys who will be making and maintaining "telex" nodes will not sell them to any Government or ISP that censors the internet.

And the telex client software will change the public keys used to sign the encrypted requests periodically via some update mechanism. This will ensure that ISPs that had claimed to be anti-censorship earlier to get hold of telex boxes with private keys can not turn on their censor filters later and use the old telex boxes to intercept traffic.


Submission + - The Adam has arrived ( 1

Clueless Nick writes: The much awaited Pixel Qi and NVIDIA Tegra 2 based tablet, the Adam, designed by Indian start up Notion Ink has been finally opened for prebooking. Notion Ink's CEO Rohan Shravan has given details about the Eden UI sporting multiple panels, native applications and the price range on his widely followed blog. The 10.1" tablet will run on Android and incorporates feature sets of both 2.3 Gingerbread and 3.0 Honeycomb.

The base version (LCD + WiFi) starts at $375.33 and the top one costs (Transreflective Pixel Qi + WiFi + 3G) $549.99, and will be priced at the same level for all markets! What is not revealed so far is a mystery feature (cryptically denoted -D5720A80), which may see gradual unlocking through fortnightly updates. Also on the way are replaceable side panels with colours of your choice, to complement the matt black finish of the tablet.

Also read, at the end of the blog, Rohan's fitting reply to a FUD post by Engadget, the tech blog that loves a certain premium hardware vendor.

Comment Re:Which is more common? (Score 3, Interesting) 442

Think about it. Imagine trying to buy a cable - I could see a handful of iPhone accessories in a 7-11, but probably not a micro-usb cable.

Normally proprietary cables are bad news, but ubiquity always trumps universality.

Now what does that tell a person ? Pick one ore more from the below
(1) Micro-usb sells a lot more than the proprietary apple cable. It runs out of stock sooner.
(2) Standardization is good. No store keeper finds it lucrative to sell overpriced proprietary cables.
(3) Standardization allows users to use one cable with multiple accessories. Hence, reducing market demand.

Comment Some more RAW wireless data (Score 2, Interesting) 218

CRAWDAD is a community based effort of sharing data captured on a wireless network, only after anonymizing. This has proved to be very useful to the research community in general.

Very real statistics about the protocols used and the kind of traffic patters observed over a period of time can be observed from the data sets. All of this with users not being very conscious of their activities. I say this because some of the data sets are for durations as long as 5 years. It is a lot easier to avoid surfing pron for a 45 minute lecture than to avoid it altogether for the entire duration of stay on campus. Having said that, I am sure some of the detailed statistics like popular IM clients, top 20 websites etc can not be found out from the CRAWDAD traces.

Comment Re:Fantastic news (Score 1) 983

Why would anyone sell, or for that matter buy, a smartphone without "unlimited" internet usage?

Because outside of Sprint 4G service (at least as far as I know) 5GB capped plans are all that there are in the US :(

True. Here in India the two iPhone providers (Vodafone and Airtel) do not have any unlimited data plans for iPhone. The rates range from $0.001/10kB to $0.006/50kB with a fixed free usage allowance of a few hundred MBs in data plans.

The only unlimited data plans that exist are for Blackberry phones. Another point to note here is, India does not have any 3G service provider except for the state run MTNL and BSNL. The bidding for 3G spectrum by private providers gets delayed by a few months every time due to "circumstances beyond the control" of the telecom ministry.

PS: I checked the rates while converting from INR 5paise and 30paise respectively to USD. yes, I am aware of verizon math... $0.002 and 0.002c :)
PPS: I was tempted to provide a comparison with Indian mobile data rates just because the call rates in Indian mobile market are one of the lowest in the world. i.e., free Incoming calls and SMS. Outgoing rates as low as 2.5c or $0.025 per minute or SMS (INR 1)

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