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Submission + - Wireless Gigabit spec published, Cisco backs it (idg.com.au) 1

angry tapir writes: "The Wireless Gigabit Alliance has published its initial specification for 'WiGig' and named Cisco as the latest backer. The WiGig Alliance already includes some big names in the wireless and networking industries such as Intel, Broadcom and Atheros Communications. WiGig will use unlicensed spectrum around 60GHz and should be able to attain transmission speeds of around 6Gbps when in use."

Comment Re:Why? Just standardization? (Score 1) 479

During the early 00s nobody cared about anything else than IE because there was no decent alternative (Netscape was hell at the time), so, anything written/acquired back then only really supported IE. Rather than spend money on making it work with newer browsers, the companies decided that they'd just set IE6 as a requirement and force companies to either pay for costly migrations to more modern software, or keep IE6 installed.

Comment Iteration leads to innovation (Score 4, Insightful) 235

Why did someone write Linux when Unix was already out there? Why was Mario created when there were already other platform games out there? It's going to get harder and harder to come out with original ideas, e.g. look at any game released in the last 10 years, you can count truly innovative ones on both hands. But yet there's still games that come out, using a tried and tested formula, that are better than the rest. If there was no cloning, we'd have very few new games coming out ever.

Submission + - SPAM: Man Strips for George Clooney at Press Conference

albertanthony writes: "George Clooney has fans from every character and age. George and co-star Ewan McGregor were holding a press conference in Venice, Italy to uphold their latest film at the Venice Film Festival. A guy stood up and declared he was gay and proclaimed his adore for George. If that wasnâ(TM)t sufficient he proceeded to strip down to his underwear and tie and asked the artist for a kiss. George was amazed to speak the least but he took the incident in superior humor."
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Submission + - Motorola Launches Android Phone (recombu.com) 1

andylim writes: "Yesterday Motorola launched its first Android phone, the Dext, which focusses on consolidating information via widgets. Recombu.com spoke to Motorola's director of international marketing, Tom Satchwell, who stated that the Dext is the "best and most efficient way of communicating out there... this phone rocks". When asked about Motorola's recent difficulties and lack of presence in the market Satchwell added that "Motorola's period of consolidation is done.. it's no longer about creating one hero phone and it's critical for the Dext and subsequent Motorola handsets to do well.""
Desktops (Apple)

Submission + - Apple Open Sources Grand Central Dispatch (macosforge.org)

bonch writes: "Apple has open sourced libdispatch, also known as Grand Central Dispatch. Kernel support is not required, but performance optimizations Apple made for supporting GCD are visible in xnu. Block support in C is required and is currently available in LLVM (note that Apple has submitted their implementation of C blocks for standardization)"

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
