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Comment Re:I don't think their CPU is better (Score 1) 243

Right now even if you don't think Apple is eating Intel's lunch, AMD certainly is. Their desktop CPUs are faster than Intel and use half the power. Their laptop CPUs are maybe twice as fast with less power consumption. Their EPYC CPUs make the Xeons look like a bad joke.

I think Intel is attacking Apple because of what's coming, not because their first foray into a low-power CPU is a huge threat. We'll see though. Most people who pick a Mac laptop aren't trying to decide if they want Windows or not. They either need Windows, or they don't. Only in the second case are Apple machines in the running.

Comment CarPlay (Score 1) 89

My biggest issue with removing the port is CarPlay. My iPhone is a $1000 investment -- my cars are a $50k+ investment that lasts a lot longer (hopefully until about 2027). If they remove the port and don't offer some sort of wireless->wired adapter, I won't be upgrading. At this point I have 3 vehicles at my house totalling $130k in cost that all rely on CarPlay for navigation.

There are a couple of such adapters today made by third parties, but (a) you still lose the ability to charge your phone in the car and (b) reports are that these adapters are either somewhat or very unreliable, depending on which review you read. Apple would need to make and warranty and support such an adapter (ideally with a wireless charging pad that goes along with it) for this to be a good solution.

Comment Re:The problem is really Facebook! (Score 3, Interesting) 22

Apple didn't care if Epic lost its games on iOS, but if Facebook pulled out of the iOS market it would really hurt Apple. It's in Apple's interest as a business to keep Facebook on the platform. People forget sometimes that Apple is a business.

I also find it curious that EFF and others are criticizing Apple for delaying a feature that will never be available on Android (because it would hurt Google's advertising business).

Comment Seriously is this the biggest complaint? (Score 1) 103

Macs aren't for games. They haven't been viable for games for like 10 years. An external GPU is almost always a bad idea anyway, but it's especially bad on a Mac. No DirectX, ancient OpenGL, and proprietary metal that only works on games designed for MacOS/iOS.

Macs are great for some things, and ARM worries me for some other things (Windows emulation in particular), but really, we have probably 10,000 Macs at work (no exaggeration) and I have never seen an external GPU.

Comment Re:Nah. (Score 2, Insightful) 233

Beyond aptitude, some people wouldn't enjoy it.

I have been doing it for 25 years. I could have been an accountant, but I would have hated every minute of it. Suggesting people do what is essentially algebra and logic equations for a living would send most people running in the other direction.

Comment Re:Not the same category. (Score 1) 107

I can run python code that I wrote 22 years ago, unmodified. I know, because I did it the other day.

I wrote a commercial backend in Python in 2001 based on Zope (most of you have no idea what that even is but it was a CMS written in Python by a company called Digital Creations, and open sourced before open sourcing was popular). It served our needs well.

At my job today we use java almost exclusively for server side work, almost always using Spring/Spring Boot/RxJava. It is efficient, fast, and effective, but it's still hard for new people coming out of college to pick up the java async pattern. Honestly, java could learn from C# or even (gasp) Javascript on a better way to do async programming. Still, java isn't going anywhere, really ever. We have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in products based on java just at my company. Across the industries it's probably half a trillion.

Comment Re: Unless Epic published it in the Mac App Store. (Score 3, Informative) 78

They didn't lose "Access to the SDKs". I don't have an active developer account, but I have access to all the SDKs. Go to the app store on a Mac, download Xcode, and there you have access to every SDK that Apple has.

This is purely about signing the app and putting it in the app store. The SDK access thing is fear mongering by Epic to try to justify to the court why they shot themselves in the face.

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