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Comment Re:American race to the bottom roadshow (Score 5, Insightful) 606

Jobs like this, with no skills are a dime a dozen, and are the types of jobs (like fast food) that are FIRST jobs, ones for young kids to start with and learn the work ethic and then move up and on to better jobs.

Someone sorting mail or flipping burgers does not rate getting $20/hr or more. That's just nonsense.

I'm not disagreeing with you in principle. However, the reality is, there are tens (hundreds?) of millions of Americans and billions of people worldwide with no real skills whatsoever. None. They're capable of nothing but jobs without a skill requirement. These people rightfully want to sleep, eat, buy stuff, and get healthcare just like everyone else. And yet, they either lack the circumstance, the ability, the willpower, or the mental acuity to grow beyond a job that requires no skills. I am not judging how they came to be in this situation, only remarking that this is their reality.

This is a fact. These people need to be able to survive their whole lives. They need to earn enough not to be a burden on the rest of us. How can this be accomplished? If we aren't willing to give them higher wages, and we're not willing to pay for them to get training to do something more meaningful, then this situation will never change.

Comment They Hired Oracle (Score 1) 586

They picked the worst company on earth, gave them $300M and thought they were going to get something for it. This has been covered for months by NPR -- nobody has signed up because the site has not been online yet, at all.

See here and here.

Anecdotally, a company I worked for in 2001 hired Oracle consulting to implement their own ERP system for us, and we ended up getting our money back because they could not even make their own software work.

Comment Communication is my #1 skill when hiring debs (Score 1) 361

I've hired dozens of developers over the years. I can teach a developer a language, or a development philosophy, or a set of APIs. There are only two things I cannot teach, and therefore should look for in new hires: 1) Communication skills 2) Work Ethic If a person has these two skills, I can teach them anything else they need to be a quality developer. People will tell you to over-communicate. It's good advice.

Comment Re:Hey California, I have a solution for you (Score 2) 752

I don't think we have the same idea here. We don't keep our government "in check". Instead, we populate the government with people representative to some degree of the population at large.

That's exactly the problem in the US. We're a nation divided. If you look at the last 3 elections, we're divided nearly 50/50 on our political views. Half of Americans seem to want social justice, equality, privacy, and caring for the poor, and the other half want religion in schools, small government, privatization of all government roles, and a huge military. The two sides are so far apart that no compromise is possible.

A friend explained it like this. Two people go out to dinner. One says, "I feel like eating Italian tonight." The other says, "I want to eat Anthrax and broken glass." Now, compromise so both are happy.

Comment Re:They are still damn overpriced (Score 5, Informative) 241

Let's let that dominate the discussion.

There's always some Apple fanboys (jo_ham, where you at?), who insist the machines are higher quality etc etc, but this is mainly nonsense.

They use almost the exact same components for PC's, and are ridiculous overpriced.

Not to mention the barriers to self-repair, amping up the cost over the lifetime of the machine.

The only value they have is in the aesthetics, or if you need OS X for some reason. Generally not worth the cost except to people who like to burn money.

The same people who buy a $100 burger in a restaurant that costs $12 to make, cause it costs $100.

  1. I've got a degree in computer engineering. I have designed and built CPUs and motherboards. I don't repair my own computers. It's not worth my time.
  2. Aesthetics are important. Anyone who hasn't realized this is living in the past. There's a reason that Apple is the most valuable company in the world. The real genius in Apple's products isn't the performance and never has been; it's the fusion of design, style, and functionality.
  3. Need OS X for some reason? How about because it's the best OS on the market for nearly everyone? Linux is a great dev OS, but my mother could never use it. Windows is an adequate OS, and had gotten better with Windows 7, but it's still far, far more obtuse than OS X, and it's less powerful for a power user with a UNIX background too.
  4. A Mac is not a $100 burger. It's the $10 burger that's clearly better than the cheaper Big Mac. Both will fill you up, but there's no question in my mind which one I want to eat. You get what you pay for.

Comment Chromecast doesn't work anyway (Score 1) 329

I have a Chromecast, as well as a Roku and an Apple TV. The Chromecast's video quality is terrible by comparison, pausing and stuttering, buffering and rendering video quality from the 1990s. Hopefully one of these updates will make it actually do what it's designed for. Right now it's a $35 device that serves no purpose.

Comment Re:Shill (Score 1) 163

Any compression at all, any modification at all, is unacceptable in a copier. How do you not get that?

That is an absurd position. There's no issue with lossless compression, and it's beneficial to the customer, because it allows you to scan and copy much larger documents without memory issues. The reason that this is a problem is that it's lossy compression algorithm that clearly is flawed.

Comment Re:Abandoning the cloud ? (Score 2) 332

Disclaimer: I am an IT Security professional.

It all depends on your thread scenario. Most of the smaller side-projects I work on are of no interest to any entity able to intercept the data transfers, so I don't mind storing stuff in, say, Evernote or Dropbox where it is more convenient to do so.

The stuff that the survival of my small company depends on, running my own servers is worth the effort. For my holiday pictures, iCloud is perfectly acceptable.

I don't have any data under my personal control that I care if the government intercepts. My email is boring as hell. The most interesting thing in my email is when Blizzard locks my Battle.net account because I tried to log in from work and they think my IP changed. My Dropbox is full of junk I want to transfer between computers and nightly binaries that I want to share with our Ukrainian QA team. Really exciting stuff. Hack away, people, hack away. I care not. The pieces of data that I wouldn't want stolen (SSN, bank accounts) aren't in my personal control anyway.

As to the quote about operating systems mad in China... what OS is that exactly? Neither Apple nor Microsoft develop their OS's in China. If any OS has Chinese developers, it's Linux. Red herring.

Comment Java 7 and prime time (Score 4, Interesting) 115

People who don't think java7 is ready are smoking crack. It's been production ready for a long time.. Works on Linux, works on OSX, works on Windows. I have used it on 20M transaction/day apps and had it run for months with no issues.. Java gets a bad name because of the browser plugin. Let's EOL that for all versions of java. I like java on the server. I like it for writing Android apps. I do NOT like it in the browser, and neither does anyone else with any interest in security.

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