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Submission + - Obama: Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol (boston.com)

will.perdikakis writes: After admitting to using marijuana as a young man, Obama controversially explains that a majority of punishment for marijuana-related crimes end up on the poor or the minorities. He further admits that the legality changes in Washington and Colorado may be a catalyst for a national change.

Do you think it is about time for the change? Or should it remain illegal in the US?

Submission + - Canada Post announces the end of home delivery

Lev13than writes: Canada Post is phasing out urban home delivery, raising the price of a letter to $1 and cutting 8,000 jobs to cope with dwindling volume and a projected loss of $1B/year by 2020. About 1/3 of Canadian homes currently get mail delivered to their door. Deliveries will remain weekdays-only and business will be unaffected (at least for now). Much like the USPS, Canada Post is mandated to be self-funded, but 5% annual volume declines and rising costs are taking their toll.

Comment Mercury Pots (Score 4, Interesting) 43

Reminds me of the chapter in Neal Stephenson's The Confusion (part of The Baroque Cycle). Japanese mercury vendors try to disable the Minerva (an armed merchant vessel) by filling its cargo hold with half-filled pots of mercury, rather than filling them to the brim. The idea is that the sloshing in the hull would resonate with the waves at the entrance to the harbour and slow the ship enough to be captured (or something to that effect). There's a discussion of whether Stephenson got the science correct here.

Comment Re:Now where's the cheap monitors? (Score 1) 201

Just assume that by the time this is mainstream the I/O will be intelligent enough to set the color space and resolution automatically based in source material and display. But, the problem will still remain with calibration... sigh.

You might be selling the masses short by assuming they will not notice. Remember, you are seeing an sRGB version of theCIE 1931 color space, the greens that are omitted (that you monitor is probably not capable of displaying anyway) are colors that many people see everyday for 3 seasons a year.

TBH, I am not worried about what other people do. I calibrate every display that I use (sans my mobile devices) for both high and low light situations and fine tune every setting. Most people do not do this now, but the media and the technology is here.

Comment Re:Resolution? WHY? (Score 1) 201

I was strictly talking about Picture quality, which, no doubt will be the marketing angle of 4k.

You complaint is one of aspect ratio actually and since 1080p and 4k UHD are 16:9, I do not see how 4k would be an improvement for you on the same size panel; you will need to be able to read the text.

On a side note, have you considered rotating your monitor? I have a 1680 x 1050 in portrait mode that is great for academic/professional production.

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