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Comment Re:intelligence (Score 3, Interesting) 135

You are naive if you think that evolutionary based species (as opposed to intelligently designed) didn't progress the same way. That's not to say that Type II or Type III's don't grow out of the behavior, but if you ascribe to evolutionary dynamics, predation is a winning strategy with respect to winners emerging in the genetic long game. Any advanced civilization will understand our current state of affairs since they too will have experienced the same initial violent developmental behaviors before transcending, should they make it past the great filter.

Comment Soft Disclosure Continues (Score 4, Interesting) 135

Comment treating the symptoms (Score 2, Insightful) 360

Look. If you think your populace is too stupid to discern between a clickbait tabloid and real news (whatever the fuck that is these days), going after the messengers will only aggravate the issue. Either through malice or stupidity, a government truthiness division will just make people more likely to validate their biases towards those that are government approved. This is just a ploy for votes/money anyways. The CIA has long participated with the media in terms of combating propaganda and injecting the party line into the zeitgeist.

Comment Re:Slashdot has popup ads with data:text/html;base (Score 2) 204

Third time this week. I'm reading through slashdot comments on my mobile and get a popup ad with a "data:text/html;base64" url. Here's a couple screen grabs:

first photo shows the URL. second photo shows that chrome thinks the page is still on slashdot's website. The ad pops up and fills the screen on it's own, without me clicking on anything (so it's on some sort of setTimeout or something). It won't let me use the back button either. This crap is very invasive. Slashdot should not be showing these sort of ads

Confirmed. I've seen it multiple times in the past few weeks on my Android phone's Chrome browser.

Comment We're All Dying (Score 5, Insightful) 515

Face it. We are dying off. The contributors. The hackers (in the 70's sense of the word). KDE is a thing of the prior decades. Sit down and ask yourself: How many people under 30 know what KDE is? Is it a higher or lower percentage than last decade? The decade prior?

Smart phones got better. Distractions got more distracting. The canonical hacker breed is dying. You feel it. We all feel it.

Where's that fucking apps appidy app guy when you need him. He's got it right you know. The borg-like proliferation of technology has reached the point such that there is no wonder to the up and coming generations in terms of "how can I make this better", moreover it's become "how can I get moar"

Is this new? No. Bread and circuses have existed for decades. But the rate of new bread and new circuses is unprecedented. Enjoy tomorrowland. It will be fucking lame and owned by Pepsi and Microsoft.

Comment Fuck Burr (Score 0, Flamebait) 123

I live and work in the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina, and Burr can kiss my ass. Any re-election signs this cocksucker puts up will be greeted by a big go fuck yourself. He's a pandering plutocrat that got elected by well meaning conservative constituents and sold himself out. Posting not-anonymously because fuck you NSA and your all seeing eye bullshit. Let's talk assholes. Add some more shit to my FBI file for all I care. Fuckers...

Comment Re:Going voyeur... (Score 3, Insightful) 339

... to force your morality unto everyone else. Of course he's proud of his "successes."

It's not an issue of morality; it's an issue of legality. Being Jewish is illegal in most states. If you disagree with the law, you can write to your and suggest he/she vote to change the law. That doesn't mean you get to disobey it. This good German citizen was not breaking any laws. The Jews he caught were.

You'd have been one of the first to slap on a brown shirt, wouldn't you?

Comment Re:to the haters (Score 1) 44

This is a good thing. Appreciate investment in mesh internet technology. If some tech-savvy-group-hated corporate entity starts getting people to think about the idea, maybe an open source solution will come about if it picks up momentum. If you hate the idea of a corporate dystopia where all internet pipes are monitored, start working on open source hardware and software projects to truly decentralize the internet from the lowest levels of hardware and network communication. Corporate America is 100% in control over the internet right now in terms of the L1-L2 side of networking, so do something about it or stop complaining.

And in bad form, replying to self... I can tell you from the inside that it is only going to get worse in terms of the pipe you get to your house. Your data is only going to be monitored more. The bandwidth and latency you get will get shittier. The ads will get shittier. The choices will become more monopolized. Look at the types of mergers and acquisitions the Dept. of Whatever is approving these days if you want to know what is really going on behind the scenes. Do something about it and contribute to an open source solutions that supports your ideologies. Do not expect corporate america or a start-up to provide salvation. Any startup that is a threat to telcos will be bought and shut down in months to maintain the grip. The internet will relentlessly march towards the misery of cable television unless THE COMMUNITY of apt developers provides free/libre/working solutions to real world problems. What are you doing about it? Who are you voting for that recognizes the issues? Who do you work for that is making the problem worse? Open access to free flowing information is the foundation of free society. The hug-box don't-offend-me mentality of this new web will kill innovation in the long run and stifle dissenting and boisterous voices who otherwise could have effected positive change on what the internet looks like in 200 years. Torvalds paved the way for the libre OS. Let's do it for the internet's communication medium from the H/W side. This means ensuring FCC doesn't get paid off to stop every attempt to do so. Think about what you've seen the software side of the internet turn into in the past 20 years, and mentally project how the H/W side is going to go with regards to control, regulation, and monitoring unless somebody develops a solution for distributed free internet so powerful and so ubiquitous that the momentum of change cannot be stopped by the voting shareholder majorities.

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