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Comment Re:Efficiency??? (Score 1) 103

It would work well for things that require very little force, like reorienting the solar panels or aiming the antenna

Maybe you should look into this natural phenomena called "wind". It's there in many parts of the world. It's something that can put massive forces on things like solar panels, and to a lesser extent antennas.

Comment Re:PBS had a documentary... (Score 1) 103

If something has been abandoned for 90+ years with no significant advances in the area, it's probably for a reason.

One of those reasons may be that 90 years ago they did not have the super strong rare earth magnets like we have now. They're commonly used in places like hard drives which massively pushed development of such permanent magnets, and pushed the cost down.

As your attitude towards such abandoned technology is shared by many people, it may be forgotten about, and receive less attention than it deserves. Until someone realises that there is now technology available that makes the idea viable - like the much stronger magnets, allowing for stronger connections, and the demand for super reliable, super long life, super low friction devices for spacecraft which obviously didn't exist 90 years ago.

Another such example is the hybrid and electric cars of today, which were made possible thanks to great advances of battery tech which in turn was sparked by the demand for mobile phones and related devices.

Comment Ambiguous headline (Score 4, Insightful) 150

OK call me old-fashioned, but I totally misread the headline.

I thought this was about general child abuse, not just the sexual subset, which could be a just a small part of overall child abuse. What I was thinking of was things like poor treatment by parents, such as receiving beatings or insufficient food or having to live in a terribly dirty home, all that kind of abuses. The kind of abuse children have to be removed from their home for, placed with foster parents, etc.

In other countries, mostly eliminated in the UK, there are of course also issues such as child labour (children forced to work long hours in dangerous or hazardous conditions), depriving children of access to education (particularly girls in Muslim countries), and other serious and highly widespread forms of abuse.

Not to gloss over sexual abuse, which can be pretty bad as well of course, there's a lot more to "child abuse" than just "sexual child abuse". However equating "child abuse" to "sexual child abuse" makes us forget the other forms of abuse, which I strongly believe are far more widespread than sexual abuse. But maybe those are simply not as sexy, politically.

Comment Re:obviously they should track the sun (Score 1) 327

The fact that virtually none of the solar panels in use have such a system tells me they're too expensive to be worth it.

Trackers sound quite expensive to me: they need fairly accurate timing, fairly accurately moving large and unwieldy objects which are strongly affected by wind... plus the maintenance needed to keep them pointing in the right direction at the right time.

Comment Plaintiff bitten by their own DRM (Score 2) 246

It's hard to fail Apple for not allowing music purchased from other stores to play on the iPod. It'd have required Apple to support third-party DRM (which would cost Apple money), while iirc the original iPod would play mp3, amongst other formats. Can one really demand someone else to play your resticted-play files? Especially when that other party does support various other industry standards already?

Bitten by their own DRM I'd say. Proves again that DRM stands for Digital Restrictions Management - in this case restricting to which devices may play a file. The iPod was not included. The moment they dropped this restriction from their store, the iPod could play their files just fine. Which, of course, is in part what did in DRM on music files. It's too restrictive on the sellers.

The only possibly valid claim I see is Apple not licencing their DRM system to other players.

Comment Re: Some people never learn. (Score 1) 329

Maybe they'll have to use food banks more. Maybe they'll have to use public transport instead of a gas guzzling SUV. Maybe they have to start cooking themselves instead of buying take-away every day. Maybe they have to stop smoking and drinking. Maybe they have to make do with that over sized TV for longer than two years.

The above are just some suggestions. I don't know exactly what they're supposed to do - I don't know the American way of life well enough for detailed budget advice. All I know is that borrowing for consumption is always a bad idea.

Comment Re: Some people never learn. (Score 1) 329

Most people need to borrow just to eat and have shelter. What would you have them do?

If that's really the reason they borrow money, we should have a hard look at the lenders. It's simply a bad idea to lend money to people who are most likely not going to pay it back. Which of course is exactly what got us the 2008 mortgage crisis: US banks lending left, right and centre to anyone who asked (especially when it came to buying homes), without checking whether they could reasonably pay anything back.

Even if you could rent, what's wrong with financing a home via mortgage? At least then you are building equity. Your monthly shelter check becomes savings.

That should not normally get you to 100-120% debt/assets levels. Banks will normally not lend more than 70% of the home value - the rest has to come from the home buyer's down payment. Many governments will top this up to like 95% though guarantees or insurance type schemes though, for better or for worse, allowing more people to buy. This will inevitably push up home prices as well. So after buying the house you should still be under the 100% level, and that level should fall as you're paying off this mortgage, making an average level of 50% a more reasonable value. Starters near the 100% level, people who live in their property for a few decades and paid off their mortgage closer to the 0% level.

Comment Learn what you need, as you go (Score 1) 211

The above has been my strategy. Admittedly I've never done coding for pay, however I've been coding my web site, I've written some Android apps, etc.

When I first learned to program, it was BASIC. Later in college Turbo Pascal - which was dead easy to me as I knew BASIC, meaning I knew about the key paradigms of programming. Another decade or so later I had the need to write some small software, and in a few days I got myself going in Python - to this day my language of choice. HTML was added when the need came to design a web page, and the moment it needed more complexity the python module for Apache appeared together with MySQL. I wanted to write an app for my phone, so got myself going on Android and learned the Java that goes with it.

I've taken the same approach with my current business as tour operator. I know my way around my area well, I know many interesting hidden spots, and decided to just start doing tours. The learning how to do it, came as I went. I started by getting some general advice on the Internet, followed by just doing some tours, and see how it went. I learned a lot, really fast. I found out I miss parts of knowledge, and dove into those specific subjects.

Anyway, long story short: my general advice is to learn what you need, as you go.

Your disadvantage is that you don't know any language yet; Python is considered one of the easiest ones to learn these days, and can give you the basics of object oriented and procedural. I can't say "if you know one, you know them all", but that's not too far from the truth. All languages use, at their core, the same paradigms, and those paradigms are the hard part of programming. Understand them, and the language is just a way of expressing it. Also the more languages you know, the easier it gets to learn yet another one.

In this case, based on the comments, maybe you should start learning Swift first. Or try both, spend an afternoon browsing some tutorials in both langauges, and see which you find easiest to grasp. The moment you need the other language it'll come easy. Maybe you'll get a request to add an Android version to an existing iOS app - I'd say just take it, grab the dev kit, learn Java as you go - by then at least you already have a basic understanding of the pitfalls of mobile development, you just have to learn a new language. You may risk pissing off your first employer for Android apps because you're too slow (learning takes time) but the next such job will go a lot easier already.

Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 235

It seems more and more investors are losing faith in the very possibility of producing energy with fusion.

[citation needed]

Citation: the post that I replied to.

If funds decrease, it's because investors lose interest in a project, and are less willing to invest in it. If fund decrease while research progresses (like fusion - a hot topic for decades already), obviously positive results are lacking and there is less and less hope of a successful outcome.

Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 235

That, if it is technically even possible to sustain fusion on a very small scale (which may have to be really big on human scales, but really tiny compared to what's going on in the sun and other stars).

It seems more and more investors are losing faith in the very possibility of producing energy with fusion. Fusion as such of course we know can be done, but sustaining a contained fusion reaction and tapping the energy it produced, that part not so much.

Comment Numbers in summary contradict headline (Score 4, Insightful) 235

10.3TWh in the first half of 2014. Over the same period, Scotland generated 7.8TWh from nuclear, 5.6TWh from coal and 1.4TWh from gas,

So that's 10.3 TWh renewables vs 14.8 TWh from non-renewable sources.

Interesting numbers game. Certainly only by lumping all the renewables together, and splitting out the other sources, they could make it work. Not exactly a fair comparison. Nevertheless impressive that they are now at about 40% overall coming from renewable sources.

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