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Comment Re:$10 (Score 1) 188

I have to agree. I had serious trouble deciding to pay $12 for an indie game the other day. I was absolutely addicted to the demo and had run out of stuff to do there. But that extra $2.00 made it a much tougher decision. It's a mental game, when something is only $10.00 it's almost like not spending money to me. When it's more, I have to put it in the budget.

Comment Re:Democrats loved the Pentagon Papers (Score 2, Insightful) 833

uh... is that supposed to be a joke?
Sorry but.... you may want to think you vote for the upfront and honest politician but it is the two-faced one who is best at appearing upfront and honest because he has enough money from as many sides of the same coin as possible.
We hire politicians based on thinly veiled marketing campaigns, and then they go and hire their buddies from law school. It has nothing to do with honesty.

Comment Re:Bloody idiot. (Score 1) 30

Just a quick note: does a jar of del monte fruit actually have opening instructions? If not how can there be a prescribed manner of opening? I would say the prescribed manner in such a case would be any manner used by any non-trivial number of people. Such as running warm water over it and tapping the edge of the lid (which a LOT of people do to open stuck jars).

Comment Re:E INK FTW (Score 1) 164

reading black text on a white background is hard on my eyes, I can't speak for anyone else. I'm much happier with E Ink than to read off a bleached white background. Look at any book that is meant to be read and doesn't have pictures, you're probably not going to find a whole lot of bleached white paper.

Comment Re:The real winners (Score 1) 1530

But what if those corporate paymasters use all their ROI's to hire people... Like my wife. So we can keep our house? I won't really give a flying rats ass about the rest then. I have two kids and am getting TOO DAMN CLOSE to foreclosure.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Freakin Economy

Ok, I'm sure no one would have any reason to read my journal...Heck I didn't know slashdot had anything but comments until last week. I was always wondering what these things people called "summaries" and "articles" were all about. ANNNEEEWAAAY..... So the housing crash is pretty much destroying my family. I have a non-IT job that doesn't make a whole lot of money considering my wife is not working and we have two kids in diapers at home. My credit cards are comin up on maxed out again after

Comment Re:Plenty of heads up. (Score 1) 451

On the other other hand, having a growing number of users switching to OS X and integrating with iOS and doing everything Apple does give some incentive. I have no idea what their market share is now but maybe these tactics show that Apple believes it's enough that they don't have to care too much about developers. Just a shot in the dark though

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
