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Comment Re: nice to live in a dictatorship (Score -1, Troll) 282

Okay, Iâ(TM)ll bite. If you are freaked out about GHGs, then maybe we should address the amount thatâ(TM)s emitted every time a private plane takes off, or maybe the largest GHG emitters in the world - the US military. A 5% reduction in tailpipe emissions is peeing in the ocean of the billions of tons emitted by the defense industry and rich white guys on their corporate jets. Controlling your tiny 1-2 ton per year is just a âoelook over thereâ tactic used so you donâ(TM)t focus on the true polluters.

Comment Re:notepad++ dude. (Score 5, Insightful) 300

Agreed. WYSIWYGs like DW only seem to muck up all the hard work I put into making my html look clean and concise. They add their own stupid DIV tags and ugly CSS code making it impossible to understand what's going on should you need to make edits without them. Think of it like writing source code, then trying to edit the assembly code when you make edits.

Comment A good place to start (Score 1) 358

I seem to recall a physicist (I think it was Hawking) that said something along the lines of "if you think you understand [General Relativity], you don't." If you want a good place to start with the mathematics (without even needing more than Trig), pick up the book "Six Ideas that Shaped Physics, Unit R: The Laws of Physics are Frame-Independent" by Thomas A. Moore (ISBN-13: 978-0-07-239714-7, ISBN-10: 0-07-239714-4) It gives the underived equations for many of the effects of special relativity. Once you get that, you can move on the to derivation of the equations, and then eventually General Relativity. -- Mitch

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