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Comment Re:Obligatory Bogus First Post ... (Score 1) 754

The case is not yet completed, everyone has a right to sue for libel, it's up to the court to decide whether it's justified. The key word is justified, a statement can be true and yet still libellous, for example "Simon Singh has not beaten his wife recently." The fact that the judge has ruled that Singh must prove his statement as true to the court in order to defend himself, this should be trivial for him. He just needs to present studies showing there is no benefit, he is lucky he does not have to prove he did not unfairly damage the reputation of the plaintiff. However he is publicising the case from the standpoint of having already lost, if he takes this attitude to court he will lose and set a bad precedent.

In the old days they'd just settle it like men with a duel.

Comment Re:Jury Selection (Score 1) 202

There have been a few cases recently of fashion designers suing people selling goods that were legitimate goods, but were not being sold through approved vendors. Fashion designers are the kind of people who get uptight about their stuff appearing on eBay because it damages their brand. The press releases all said counterfeit goods, but that's not my definition of counterfeit. I wonder if this case was the same.

Comment Re:Gotta love the straight-faced hypocrite (Score 1) 420

Is that not because Brasil was the country that figured out the quick work around for fingerprint based car ignition, i.e. steal the drivers fingers when you hijack the car. I mean, if a dozen children choose to mug me by ripping off all my clothes, I'd stand fairly still for fear of losing body parts. If they have guns, I'd probably give them the body parts if they asked.

Comment Re:Egoism, Individualism and Violence. (Score 1) 420

A democracy can easily be a theocracy. And there's nothing subtle about the collectivism of tax-funded social welfare. Nothing wrong with collectivism either. It's a survival trait first used by single celled organisms, to fish, to apes and finally to us. Rugged Individualism is tool to break human spirit and keep the plebs in their place.

Comment Re:citation needed (Score 1, Informative) 420

To put the above in perspective, the above poster is clearly rich enough to a) afford a TV b) afford a connection to the internet. The coup against Chavez was organised by the rich, and defeated by the poor. The TV stations he mentions are all for the rich, so champion low taxes and screwing poor people, basically it's Fox on every channel. The one that got shut down openly advocated the coup. That's like Fox championing freepers marching to the Whitehouse with guns, the FCC would have failed to renew Fox's license if they went that far.

As for the claim of Chavez thugs shooting at peaceful protesters, there are other camera angles showing 3 guys trying to suppress fire from automatic rifles with handguns while women and children (Chavez's thugs remember) scurry for safety because the anti Chavez crowd thinks it's their right to shoot poor people.

Comment Re:Dark Tan? (Score -1, Troll) 964

Hi, this is the rest of the world. We know how scary it can be for inhabitants of such an insular country as the USA when confronted by the notion that their culture is only one among many. We support your attempts to connect with people outside your culture and we will help you in any way we can. Hopefully this will lead you to a better understanding of the world which, if it permeates your country, will stop you lashing out at cultures you don't understand.

Comment Re:1M bail and 1yr in jail...? (Score 5, Informative) 189

He didn't say he'd forgotten it because he was simply doing what his job description told him to do. He was called into a room with a dozen people he didn't know, he refused to hand over the password to these people. When a single person (the mayor) who was authorized to know the password asked for it, he handed it over without hesitation.

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