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Comment My Street Not on Google Maps (Score 1) 174

My subdivision was built 7 years age. Two years ago it showed up on Apple Maps, but is stilll missing from Google Maps. The funny thing is that street view for the area is up to date, but wonâ(TM)t let you navigate into the street, just look down it. I did notify Google but nothing happened. Havenâ(TM)t seen us appear on a car GPS yet either. This is in rural British Columbia.

Comment ASP.Net MVC Demos and Chrome (Score 1) 174

I know whenever I've seen MS demos of ASP.Net MVC they had to use Chrome because the web pages would be buggy under Edge. They also explicitly state this as opposed to claiming they are showing cross-platform works. I think generally in MS there is a feeling they should fire the whole browser team.

Comment Great for Jogging/Cycling/Running (Score 1) 427

First off it needs to be waterproof. And sufficiently waterproof to swim with. I have a Garmin GPS watch which is great (except it isn't waterproof enough to swim with). The battery life sucks, but it is still great for running and cycling and has a heart rate monitor. I have an iPhone and there are better apps for that, but it really isn't up to the environment. Would be nice to get the better phone apps on a Garmin type watch with better durability and battery life. For any athletic activity these are great for collecting and sharing useful metrics.

Comment Leave the call open (Score 5, Insightful) 497

I tend to just answer, and then say "Just hold on a sec..." and then put the phone down and continue watching TV. Like someone else said that then costs them time/money. If my father in law is visiting, I just hand him the phone and he can tell stories from his childhood endlessly. He loves an audience.

Comment Burned by GWT (Score 5, Insightful) 121

After being burned by Google abandoning GWT, I would worry about adopting Dart. Won't Google just lose interest and abandon it after a year or two. Won't we just see a new project start up almost immediately for some newer better web language? Not sure I'd jump in on this one.

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