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Comment Heart rate (Score 4, Funny) 916

Well according to this post http://science.slashdot.org/story/12/02/15/2338229/scientists-study-how-little-exercise-you-need?utm_source=feedburnerGoogle+UK&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Slashdot%2Fslashdot+(Slashdot)&utm_content=Google+UK earlier today. A person's maximum heart rate can be calculated: "very roughly, by subtracting our age from 220".

From these two 'facts' that I have learnt today I conclude that once your maximum heart rate drops to 106 - you die.


Submission + - Apple deny that iTV is similar to ITV (mirror.co.uk) 1

ewrong writes: The Daily MIrror reports that an Apple spokesperson denies that the proposed iTV set top box's name is too similar to that of the British broadcaster ITV. Law suit to follow.

Obviously Apples previous in being so flexible about such similarities to their own product names in the past, will stand them in good stead for this one.

Comment It's a lot to do with Japanese character set (Score 1) 242

The Japanese character set is bigger, bolder and to my western eye rather scruffy and scrawly. All characters are also the same size as CAPS so it feels like their websites are shouting at you.

I was working on a Japanese site recently and during production we had it all set to English so that we knew what we were referring to within it. Design wise it was a nicely put together clean and simple site. As we neared the end of development we switched it all over into Japanese and suddenly it looked crowded and messy and as though there was too much going on in the page.

If you, switch the Japan Airlines example into English http://www.jal.co.jp/en/ it becomes much more palatable to the western eye.

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