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Comment Re:Taxing the Congested Skies (Score 1) 223

... If the system cannot handle the current load, then the system needs to be upgraded.

The system handles the current load just fine. They just haven't gone to the expense of making it doubly redundant so when a major facility goes down it causes problems. Once ADSB becomes mandatory in 2020 this will be less of an issue for a radar facility like this since each airplane will be broadcasting it's position and vector to every other ADSB equipped airplane and they won't need ground based radar to maintain separation.

Comment Re:Just in time for another record cold winter (Score 1) 200

If it's all global, why does ice melting in the arctic count as evidence of GW, but ice *expanding* in Antarctica not count as counter-evidence?

Because a simple analysis like that is seldom adequate. Scientists who have looked at the increase in Antarctic sea ice have found several reasons that combine to cause the increase. First the circumpolar winds have grown stronger apparently because of the ozone hole over Antarctica. That pushes the existing sea ice around more opening polynyas that subsequently refreeze increasing the ice area. Second global warming causes the ice sitting on the continent to melt and also increased precipitation which causes the water on the surface to freshen making it easier to freeze. Finally the fresher water is less dense than the warmer saltier water under it so the ocean stratifies and the the warmer saltier water is prevented from rising to the surface reducing ice melt from it.

Comment Re:Please See: (Score 1) 635

If your poorly constructed argument were correct, then the Earth's temperature would be increasing year upon year. However it is not, as the warmest year in recent records is 1998. We know from the fossil record that increased carbon dioxide levels are a response to global warming, not a driver

A more complete accounting of the energy balance of the Earth's geosystems includes not only the atmosphere but the oceans, land and biosphere. Natural variation will affect how energy is distributed between those areas. So even though surface atmospheric temperature may not be rising as steeply lately (and choosing 1998 is an extreme cherry pick) the oceans (where over 90% of the energy from global warming goes) have continued to warm up. Given the different heat capacity between air and water it doesn't take much of a change in ocean warming to have a major effect on atmospheric warming.

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