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Comment Re:Norway isn't a member of the EU. (Score 1) 350

I love the way you say you live in the EU under some kind of crappy assumption I don't. I live in Europe too, and I'm aware that EUR is also the Euro. What I was saying is that it's not unheard of for people to (wrongly) refer to Europe as EU or EUR as a form of 'country code', even though it refers to the European Union or the currency.

My mistake here is that I skimmed over where the summary said 'member state' and missed it. Clearly the summary was referring to the actual EU and not the country code. So the summary writer is a moron. My mistake.

Even if that is the case, you're still being a pedant because if you RTFA EU or not EU has squat to do with the issue - the article never mentions European Union or laws against up-skirts at all. What the articles and summary presumably meant to say is that these countries share common conservative outlook on this kind of content or something (because if it was an EU directive then all member states would presumably be effected)

Comment Maybe trying to solve it the wrong way? (Score 2) 167

When I think of this kind of thing, I get the impression we're trying to solve the wrong problem. Would it make more sense to develop chips and systems that could be embedded _inside_ people? That way they could continuously monitor the person (somehow) and a 'tricorder' would simply extract data out of the systems inside the person

Comment Example of GPU overload? (Score 1) 178

They got BSODs by 'overloading' GPUs. By doing what, continuous high-stress activity? In which case, surely they should be sufficiently ventilated etc. isn't that the real issue - surely it's not possible to kill GPUs by just making them a lot of work? Imagine if CPUs did that, we'd be pretty screwed by now

If they don't mean high-stress/high-throughput activities, what do they actually mean - overloading them with textures or something?

Comment Disruptive approach wins, just like desktop Linux! (Score 1) 514

...Pfft, nah, I have no issue with Linux, but I couldn't help adding that in there..

The free / disruptive logic is critically flawed, because a huge majority of people don't even know what an OS is, let alone whether it's free or not. The only way you could spin this is if you said it's free for phone manufacturers - which is a fair point - if they don't have to pay for it, it's more likely they'll put it on their phone. That's an argument against MS - but not Apple. Apple is defined by their software/hardware mix being unique, so to spin it as 'it's not free so it'll lose' makes no sense (Apple doesn't give out their OS to anyone, free or paid)

Comment Ribbon... but why? (Score 1) 375

I think the ribbon is O-K. It's not fantastic (not the amazing revolution MS seems to think it is) but it's usable. I think it works OK in Office 07 at least. But... why in explorer? Explorer isn't complex enough to justify it. Office warranted it because it has oodles of menus and features. Explorer is comparatively simple though, which makes me think this is just overkill.

Comment The pattern I've noticed... (Score 2) 732

(here in the UK, at least) that actually, the ones who get sucked in by the finance sector easily are the ones who talk a good talk (and seem to do plenty of ass licking) but aren't any good at the technical skills.

I'm not just saying this because of sour grapes or anything like that - it does seem to be a trend that the jerks who everyone dislikes (or the jerks that are awful at working in a team) get picked up by financial firms. So to be honest, 'nothing of value was lost' springs to mind

Comment Re:Tablets (Score 4, Insightful) 368

The thing with courier is that, whilst I agree it was a great form factor, it didn't actually exist. It was all talk - no shippable product. So for all the flaws that may exist in Apple's vision of the tablet form factor (or the Android ones for that matter) at least they actually exist - they're real, they work and they are being sold today.

Courier looked as though it was years away from even being thought of as a real product, let alone being sold to people in the real world

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