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Comment Re:idiotic politically correct fears indeed (Score 1) 1223

The OSS movement shouldn't care about what other people think. Software is created and put out in the wild in the hope that others will benefit. Whether a particular class of people use it or not is typically irrelevant (unless they are the target of the software). The only people who are likely to greatly care about this are the people trying to make money off of open source software.

Comment "Habitable" is used extremely loosly here... (Score 1) 451

I guess everyone is missing the part that we haven't actually confirmed the composition of the atmosphere and whether it corresponds to one of their simulated atmospheres to such a degree that their results are applicable *or* that the simulated atmosphere is actually usable by life of any kind.

For all we know, it has an atmosphere made entirely of nitrogen or one that doesn't have sufficient carbon dioxide to sustain a greenhouse effect and has substantially frozen out.

This is purely hype of a simulation based on mostly made up stuff to determine what compositions *could* work to sustain a temperature-habitable environment. Mars is nearly temperature-habitable but no one would ever claim that it is 'habitable'. The only really interesting bit is the ability to, in the future, spectroscopically analyze the atmosphere and plug the values into their simulation to get results based in reality.

Comment Are you sure you're on business class service? (Score 1) 459

1) If you're being blocked then you're hosting your mail server on IP space that Comcast and Verizon have designated as dynamic. Don't do that. Either get them to properly classify your block as non-dynamic _or_ make sure that you're really on non-dynamic space.

2) Ensure that you have proper reverse DNS configured for your server. If you have business class service, they should be completely understanding of your need to change PTR names for the IP's you use.

3) If you really are running on dynamic IP space and have no way around that (that's not painful to you), you always have the option of smarthosting your mail through the Comcast or Verizon mail servers. That's what they're there for.

Comment HTTP sends more than just subject line... (Score 3, Informative) 275

'Only two Gmail accounts appear to have been accessed, and that activity was limited to account information (such as the date the account was created) and subject line, rather than the content of emails themselves,' said David Drummond in that blog update. That does sound like it perhaps could be a result of insecure HTTP traffic being intercepted in transit between the users and Gmail's servers.

No, if that were the case they would have been able to see *everything* the user received as part of the data response, including message bodies.

XBox (Games)

Modded Xbox Bans Prompt EFF Warning About Terms of Service 254

Last month we discussed news that Microsoft had banned hundreds of thousands of Xbox users for using modified consoles. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has now pointed to this round of bans as a prime example of the power given to providers of online services through 'Terms of Service' and other usage agreements. "No matter how much we rely on them to get on with our everyday lives, access to online services — like email, social networking sites, and (wait for it) online gaming — can never be guaranteed. ... he who writes the TOS makes the rules, and when it comes to enforcing them, the service provider often behaves as though it is also the judge, jury and executioner. ... While the mass ban provides a useful illustration of their danger, these terms can be found in nearly all TOS agreements for all kinds of services. There have been virtually no legal challenges to these kinds of arbitrary termination clauses, but we imagine this will be a growth area for lawyers."

Comment Stories that touched me -- (Score 1) 1021

Flowers For Algernon - Daniel Keyes (Short Story)
Blood Music - Greg Bear (Short Story).

Both of the above deal with potential ramifications of human enhancement through medical or mechanical means. Both show the promise of the technologies as well as the potential ramifications (transience or transformation).

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea - Jules Verne
Journey To The Center of The Earth - Jules Verne
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle (though now that I look back at it some of it's Religious themes might be considered inappropriate for school)

Stories of exploration and wonder.

Startide Rising - David Brin
Watchers - Dean Koontz

Stories of the challenges and rewards of working with familiar animals (dolphins, chimpanzees and dogs) who have been given intelligence on par with humans.

Comment Just look to human history... (Score 1) 1345

Wasn't much of human history the epitome of 'unschooling'? Wouldn't that be a reasonable explanation why there was very little progress for many hundreds of thousands of years with only a very few bright lights in all that time? Only since the advent of formalized and widely accessible education and knowledge dissemination has there been significant progress in recent history.

My brother was 'homeschooled' in a way that was effectively unschooling. The best he can hope for is a manual labor job because his education is only at the 8th or 9th grade level, if that. Unless these children are truly exceptional, they are being severely disadvantaged by their parents and will pay for it for the rest of their lives. It's amazing how non-forward thinking some people can be.

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