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Journal Journal: 120227 (La Jolla, CA, 92037, war v7.128)

War in La Jolla, seventh year, one hundred and twenty-eighth entry


It shro is hot stickin' yo ass to the dome. Pick up some leaves and press a few. Don't take any off the trees. Why not? You could get a steam bath. The trees will grab you and twist you into a dog, see how you like being laid bare in front of your fellows. Trees don't fly.

Comment bullroar (Score -1) 401

Maybe you just don't know how to breathe. Smoking is the primary method for continuing to dry out and tighten up from the inside.

Frontal lobes. The needs of the voting outweigh the needs of the runtling. Catch the plague if you don't know how to breathe.

That thing that spock is changing, that's the same as teh shower water font in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". That's the law of Tor and the brain canopy that you will never remove.

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