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Comment Re:Piracy rationalizations in 3... 2... 1... (Score 1) 348

I don't believe there is any moral standing for pirating other than a "screw the arseholes" attitude however the counter argument to the piracy is theft of services is that there is actually no cost to the producer in the piracy "theft" whereas in the case of true theft of services you are depriving the provider of those services of, at the very least, their time.

Now the argument could be made that each creation of a work dilutes the value of that work but in fact when it comes to entertainment the opposite is true - each person that views any given work actually increases it's value and marketability.

Comment Re:OMG....this blows... (Score 4, Interesting) 236

Despite the obvious fallacy of comparing the two, he does make a valid point. Every time you see something that discounts global warming impacts EG: Growth of ice in Antarctica increasing. It rapidly gets dismissed as "oh that is just natural variation" but you get the opposite EG: Loss of ice in the Arctic and it is end of the world global warming doom all the way down.

This kind of reporting is really very troublesome for both sides of the argument. Pro-AGW folks get painted as biased alarmists and Anti-AGW folks have any evidence they might use immediately dismissed.

I know enough to know I don't have the truth one way or the other about the whole AGW issue, but I sure as hell can tell when people are putting spin on things and everyone on both sides is doing that.

Comment Re:Still want it? (Score 1) 193

On the flip side the bigger deceit is ignoring the debate by misrepresenting the consensus. The consensus appears to be "humans have an effect on the environment" but the anti AGW lobbying seems to take that to mean "Humans are causing end of the world levels of climate change"

The debate really is important because humanity are limiting a lot of good power generation options to avoid a catastrophe that might not actually even be catastrophic.

Comment Re:Why not just 0? (Score 3, Insightful) 996

In Australia we have a 0.05 limit on BAC plus a 0 limit on provisional (usually under 21) drivers. 0.08 is the point where you are obviously going to fail at driving. 0.05 is where you think you can do it but more likely than not cannot.

After seeing how friends dealt with the 0 limit on provisional drivers and in light of the fact I don't drive myself, I'd support a 0 limit - it encourages a lot of caution and forethought, particularly the morning after when you can still be drunk and might think it's just a hangover.

Comment Re:I don't recall noticing this... (Score 1) 134

From my point of view, these are excuses. They are things that only become an issue if you are already dissatisfied. It is very hard to tell what your exact reason for quitting really is. The reason I think I quit is a general lack of fun brought about by a focus on repetitive tasks that I didn't want to be doing. You may say that that is the point of MMO, but I hadn't had a problem with it up until the point where I quit.

The trouble with design by statistics is that it creates the average, which means 50% of products out there will be better almost by definition. Given variance in taste, this number is likely to be even more inflated.

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