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Comment Re:Runtime (Score 3, Informative) 185

Sure, here's one from Russ Cox: https://news.ycombinator.com/i... Ultimately, those criticisms are not very interesting, because as a Go programmer these are tools you use as an end-user, not something which dictates how you program, and can and will be improved behind the scenes.

Comment Re:Security is a tricky thing (Score 0) 381

"Threatening visits" would indeed cause problems. By detain; I meant detain, as in "make quietly disappear", at least for a while.

You'd do really well in the Stasi or a similar police state. Perhaps you'd also like the people you disagree with tortured as well? If you're going to start disappearing people, why don't you just advocate killing them instead.

Tell me, just where would you draw the line when defending your country, what barbarity would you not stoop to, or is there no line?

Comment Re:Let's see (Score 4, Insightful) 381

The NSA subverted American communications deliberately, and have introduced vulnerabilities into encryption via NIST. AES may or may not have been broken or subverted, but yes they are that stupid:


Given that one of their other mandates is not to lie to congress, to abide by the rulings of the FISA court, and not to spy on Americans (all of which they have breached), I think you can assume that they don't care what their legal restrictions are and do not respect them.

Comment Re:Puppet Vs. Chef Vs. Ansible Vs. Salt (Score 2) 141

unfamiliar with all so i did some quick research. Ansible least transparent Chef not bad, it comes down to Puppet Vs. Salt.

You're seriously presenting your quick google search and no actual knowledge of these products as something we should pay attention to? And your criteria for a deployment system is that they have online support??!?!? Are you even in the market for these products, have you ever used one, and do you know what they do?

I've used Ansible and it's pretty good, really straightforward, plenty of examples and docs and there is a freeware version as well as the commercially supported version. It doesn't require you to run a separate server as puppet does either, you can deploy with recipes from your local machine. To those thinking about using them, I'd say it's the simplest, the most effective and overall the best, though I haven't tried Salt so can't really comment on that.

Comment Re:comparisons (Score 1) 634

Yeah, I'll just take the first order of treatment from my doctor and not ask for a second opinion, even if it means lifetime impairment or a high risk of death. Yeah...no.

1. You can have a second opinion in the NHS or change doctor quite easily.
2. Your doctors will lay out the choices for you (depending on your condition), and let you choose from whatever is available, but at the end of the day you have to trust healthcare professionals, because they know an awful lot more about treatments than you do.

Comment Re:Rose-tinted view indeed (Score 2, Informative) 634

It's still way cheaper that *public* healthcare in the US alone (medicare and medicaid), let alone the full costs of US healthcare, which are astronomical in comparison, but funding has been massively cut the last few years in real terms.

The conservatives have strangled funding for the NHS deliberately for ideological reasons, while funding several expensive wars abroad, because they want to undermine it and then get rid of it piecemeal, as they did with dentistry in the 80s. This sort of story is the precursor to farming out care contracts to private companies, not because it's cheaper, but because of their belief in the free market and connections between the Conservative ministers and private industry, here are some of our recent health secretaries:

Andrew Lansley - bankrolled by a private healthcare company.
Jeremy Hunt - in his previous role had deep connections with the Murdoch companies he regulated.

Comment Re:Tohoku Earthquake Casualty Report (Score 1) 214

There's a long term cost here which isn't just measured in lives (though hundreds will die eventually of related cancers from the clean up crews due to incompetence, coverups and negligence in exposing them over accepted limits). While the tsunami is over, the costs of the nuclear plant problems are still climbing, with no end in site, and 20km of land is now unusable, including several towns.

The Fukushima cleanup costs are 5 trillion yen and climbing (50 billion USD), likely to hit hundreds of billions of dollars long-term.

Comment Re:So we've learned... (Score 5, Insightful) 126

1. This is not a government spying on another government.
2. Economic espionage is illegal
3. Breaching trust like this will lead to all sorts of blowback when partners find out, it's hardly a good idea.

GCHQ has strayed well over the line from protecting British interests against our enemies to economic and political espionage. This op was probably ordered at the behest of some American service anyway (to whom GCHQ are in hoc to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars), who knows why or who it benefits, but it certainly isn't the people of the UK.

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