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Comment Supernova (Score 3, Informative) 32

In the issue of Infoworld dated December 4, 1995; Metcalfe wrote that the Internet “will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 will collapse.” He identified a number of factors would bring about the Internet’s collapse, including security breaches, capacity overloads, and demand for video online.

Whatever happened to the Internets?

Comment Re:Bike HUD (Score 1) 249

Strava have just launched a doo-daa that works with Google Glass. I don't know whether it does any of what you want but may be worth a look.

For bike navigation, when I'm going somewhere in town I just pop my car's TomTom in my pocket. It has a 2 hour battery life, has cycle routes and speaks the direction. Pretty straightforward.

Comment Re:Bad planning (Score 1) 106

Interesting analysis.

I've been messing around writing my own Java NoSQL CMS called Magneato. It stores articles in XML because I use XForms for the front end (maybe a bad choice but there isn't a good forms solution yet, not even with HTML5) and I use Lucene/Bobo for the navigation and search side of things. It is focussed on facetted navigation although you can have relations between articles: parent of, sibling etc via Lucene.

It actually sounds like my efforts are better than this team have produced.


Submission + - The Man who Hacked the Bank of France (

David Off writes: "In 2008 a Skype user looking for cheap rate gateway numbers found himself connected to the Bank of France where he was asked for a password. He typed 1 2 3 4 5 6 and found himself connected to their computer system. The intrusion was rapidly detected but led to the system being frozen for 48 hours as a security measure. Two years of extensive international police inquiries eventually traced the 37 year old unemployed Breton despite the fact he'd used his real address when he registered with Skype. The man was found not guilty in court today of maliciously breaking into the bank."

Submission + - Facebook Turns to Visualization to Manage Bad Servers (

Nerval's Lobster writes: "How do Facebook engineers manage hundreds of servers and racks without getting lost in all that data? By visualizing it, of course.

In a corporate blog posting Sept. 19, Facebook application operations engineer Sean Lynch revealed the development of a tool, “Claspin,” which generates a heat map of the company’s numerous racks and servers—the better to determine which are “bad” and in need of repair.

According to Lynch, Facebook originally set out to manage the health of its computing resources via two tools: Memcache, and TAO, a caching graph database that performs its own MySQL queries. While the TAO tool generates reams of data from servers and clients, all of it collected into dashboards showing various latency and error rate statistics, it started giving Facebook engineers some scalability issues.

In the wake of that, Lynch turned to creating a tool that could generate lists of hosts, each with rankings for the number of timeouts, for example, or TCP retransmits. The resulting tool listed each server in a tuple, or an ordered list of elements. But the solution was also text-heavy and required a somewhat-trained operator to manage the problem—in that case, Lynch himself. So Lynch settled on a heatmap, with each “pixel” representing a host."


Submission + - Microsoft Urging Safari Users To Use Bing (

SquarePixel writes: Microsoft is urging Safari users to switch to Bing after Google was fined $22.5 million for violating Safari privacy settings. "Microsoft is keen to make sure that no-one forgets this, let alone Safari users, and the page summarizes the events that took place". It tells users how Google promised not to track Safari users, but tracked them without their permission and used this data to serve them advertisement. Lastly, it tells how Google was fined $22.5 million for this and suggests users to try the more privacy oriented Bing search engine.

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