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Comment You're not forced to use the iOS like features (Score 1) 965

This isn't like Win 8 where you can't reach some features without going through the metro desktop. All the tools are still there, Apple hasn't threatened (yet) to prevent installation from other sources outside their app store. They aren't making you use their little app display thing (which is really the same thing as the start menu in windows) and they let you change the weird backwards scrolling they introduced.

I'm really not sure what your anger is about? That OS X has changed? It's been around for nearly 14 years, of course it's changed. Are you worried it's losing its unix roots? iOS is unix based as well!

Besides what would you switch to?

Ubuntu? It has the best support in terms of "just working" but they have ADD about their interface which has changed how many times over the last five years? And now they decided they didn't get enough derision over the Unity fiasco so they're going to go recreate it with the Mir/Wayland controversy.

Fedora/Redhat? Kind of ADD on features from time to time. Less easy to get some components working with normal hardware. Redhat especially isn't as bleeding edge. I guess if you're going linux that's the better route but either way you lose the polish.

Win7? I don't get this at all. MS isn't going to support Win 7 forever and you'll be forced into the nastiness that is whatever windows they come up with next. Microsoft is trying to recreate Apple's success with a worse interface. If you don't like Apple I can't understand why on earth you'd switch to MS.

Comment Re:GPL is the problem (Score 1) 1075

I'm not sure how it's even legal. Did the Samba team get all the contributors permission before switching to GPL 3? If they had switched to a new license all together I'm certain that legally they would have had to do that. Since the GPL 3 contains new requirements I don't see why it's not being treated as a new license. If I had contributed to Samba I would personally be very upset by the license change.

It's really unfortunate. FSF does a lot of good things and Stallman is no doubt brilliant. But Stallman is also an ideologue and he ultimately controls the licenses. Many people here and elsewhere have the opinion that v3 goes too far but he's been unwilling to listen to the concerns. The real way to deal with patent abuse is through the courts and congress.

PC Games (Games)

Minecraft Reaches Beta Status, Price Goes Up 279

Eric writes "After over a year of development, Minecraft has hit Beta status today. Minecraft was developed for about a week before its public release on May 17, 2009. With the new milestone, the price of the game has increased to €14.95; when Minecraft moves beyond beta status, it will sell for €20.00. The beta is more focused on polish and content. The aim is to add proper modding support via a stable API, some kind of non-intrusive narrative to help drive the game experience early on, and a late-game goal. Updates will be less frequent, so as to make sure stability is maintained thanks to more extended testing. Despite this, there have already been two beta releases: client and server Beta 1.0 followed quickly by client 1.0_01."

Comment The Chinese aren't the reason to use encryption (Score 5, Insightful) 247

There are plenty of reasons to use encryption but the Chinese government just isn't one of them for me. If I view something they don't like, what exactly are they going to do? I suppose they could block my access but it's not like I would get thrown in a Chinese prison.

I have a lot more to worry about from identity thieves, scams and heck, my own government.

Comment Re:If You're Late to the Party (Score 2, Insightful) 609

I see some MS-Bot came and marked you troll. But you're absolutely right. The commercials make no sense at all. Wouldn't a mobile device maker (and the carriers that carry it) want you to use the phone more?

Hey guys we have this great phone that you won't use like all the other phones out there!

Comment Re:A matter of credibility (Score 1) 747

What I find funny is that on Slashdot that GWB is pretty much universally disdained for being blinded by principle but plenty of RMS fans applaud him for it.

I respect RMS for creating the GPL but I do not respect his belief that he's right and everyone else who had different ideas about open source or free software is wrong.

You may not respect Miguel for the work he's done with Mono but he's not the only one who has problems with RMS. Even Linus has indicated that he's not a fan of RMS's style. I'm sure we can all find plenty of respect for Linus.

Comment Re:Hogwash (Score 1) 817

Well as long as ChromeOS is vaporware we can speculate that Google is going to figure out a way to finally run those Win32 apps natively on their own OS. (Think Wine but with a massive ton of resources behind it, or maybe an embedded VM to run the apps ... though I'm sure that would have more licensing hurdles)

Honestly if they did I can't decide if it would be a good or a bad thing.

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