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Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 169

Well... Athletes who train a lot and are in good shape have the lowest resting heart rate. But in order to get in good shape you have to do a lot of training which means a high heart rate (during exercise). So... :)

Comment Programmer doesn't have to do memory management (Score 1) 637

Ideally, for most high level applications, the programmer doesn't have to use a programming language that forces him or her to do manual memory management. The programmer can use a language like Python or Java where memory management happens in the background. And that is how it's supposed to be. There are more relevant problems to deal with.

Now, on the other hand, let's say that the project is writing some sort of device driver or real time software. Perhaps something operating close to the 'core' and in an environment with limited resources. Then that programmer will have to use a language like C or C++ and do their own memory management.

It's a good thing that we have an education system that produces both these types of programmers. However, I think that most programmers, during their career, learn to do both these types of programming. For me: I started out programming in C/C++ and I've since moved on to Python and Java, because that's the kind of projects that I usually get these days. Now, if someone hired me to work on an application that required tight resource management. Well, then I would use C/C++ and do memory management myself

Comment Percent of zero users (Score 1) 544

From the article: "C#: Microsoft created C# about 15 years ago as a new kind of programming language similar to Java; since then, the platform has grown several times over. "

So to summarize: From the creation of C#, when it had close to 0 users, the platform/language has grown "several times over"...

Comment What's next? (Score 1) 212

Okay so spying to safeguard national security makes sense. Even if it means stepping on the toes of your allies... perhaps? Now we hear of NSA involved in industrial espionage. For the good of US companies so that makes sense. How far away is spying for political gain? Spying for the party currently in power against political opponents?

Comment But biking makes you healthier (Score 1) 947

By biking you get into better shape and thereby become healthier (lose weight, less risk of heart disease and so on...). So that's one aspect that should be weighed against the danger of biking. There's no such health benefit with other forms of commuting (unless you're jogging to work).

Comment Bauds (Score 1) 410

Trying to recall what kinds of modems that I used to own (I was born 1970): First there was a 1200 baud one... don't remember what make it was. Then I had a 2400 baud Supra Modem. I peaked with a US Robotics HST+ 14400/75 baud.

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