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Comment Re:Sadistic (Score 2) 397

Hunting is not for everybody and not every person should be expected to understand the appeal. As a person who has hunted for most of his life, I will say that while I greatly enjoy the process of doing my research, learning the patterns of the animal, learning the lay of the land and practicing my skill set in such a way as to be undetectable when on the field. It is far more easily said than done and can be a tremendous challenge, depending on what it is you are trying to hunt. Most hunts you may not even find your quarry and you will wind up empty-handed.

All that said, I have never enjoyed nor will I ever enjoy killing things. But I do not waste them and I find it to be a far more ethical and healthy alternative to beef. It saddens me to say that not all people who hunt share my perspective, and there are some murderous sons-of-bitches who just like to kill things and create the negative stereotype you perceive, but please understand that does not describe the majority of us.

I wholeheartedly agree that the use of drones tips the scales unfairly and hope to see every other state government take queues from Alaska.

Comment Re:Whats the poing of hunting as a sport? (Score 1) 397

As a responsible outdoorsman I will not attempt to sway your beliefs nor argue about pointlessness or justification, but yes, it is a far more involved process than simply pointing a gun and pulling the trigger. If you have ever attempted to hit a target the size of a paper plate from hundreds of yards using a rifle, you would understand that it requires a great deal of practice, fine-tuning, muscle control and serious consideration of your target and surroundings. Factors such as wind and trajectory have to be considered. Unless you can guarantee 100% that your shot will take the animal then and there, you have no business pulling the trigger. (Regretfully, not all outdoorsmen emphasize ethical and responsible hunting, though all who I associate with do.)

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