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Comment Re:Fail. Isolate immediately! (Score 1) 221

" if anyone even suspects they might have this gods-be-damned virus, they should self-quarrantine until they get the all-clear!" Some Italian data suggests 50% of those carrying the virus have no reason to suspect they're doing so. AFAICT, that implies EVERYONE sick or well should self-quarantine.

Comment Re:What's the point of an app? (Score 1) 221

" Anyone who does not have the virus but does have the antibody is at no risk to anyone either now or into the foreseeable future." Not 100% true. What is still possible in your scenario is that the current virus mutates sufficiently to re-infect someone immune to the previous generation of viruses. This is what drives the continuous reappearance of new strains of influenza. The last I heard there are 5 different viruses (due to mutations so far) that cause COVID-19.

Comment Re:Ah, the high-tech solution (Score 1) 221

Re 'Curb-side delivery of very basic food."... many people have to go back to work to keep a city working for that. A shop, farm, the drivers. All the city workers needed to keep the water, gas, power on, ISP staff. Police, medical staff, rescue services... Some advanced nations failed at even having some personal protection epquipment for police, hospital workers.

Then there is the "advanced" commonwealth which recently closed all its interstate rest stops including the parking lots, along with restaurants along the roads, ensuring that long haul truckers have it even worse than they do now, delivering key supplies to hospitals, police, grocery stores, public water supply systems, the electric grid, you name it.

Comment Re:Ah, the high-tech solution (Score 1) 221

"There are eggs that last for months?" Dehydrated eggs as powder last for years. They taste awful. I have a native American friend who gave me some in the USDA commodity packages given to the poor. Couldn't stand them. After a year on my shelf some tiny insect or weevil put holes in the bags and spoiled them for human consumpton.

Comment Re:Incubation or two stages of infection? (Score 1) 221

"During the first stage it is concentrated in the upper respiratory tract and is contagious, but the symptoms are relatively mild" New findings in Italy make this statement somewhat irrelevant. A small town in Italy recently tested EVERYBODY, with or without symptoms. I didn't get the figures of + tests. What was most interesting was that 50% of the + patients had no symptoms whatsoever. That is the rationale behind all the current closures and lockdowns. Since no one knows who is spreading the virus and who isn't, it is best to treat everyone else as contagious. If you don't know whether or not you are an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, it is best to stay away from everyone else - to whatever level is possible / tolerable.

Comment Re:Not sure how well this'll work (Score 1) 77

"I can imagine the liability lawsuit though when 4 people die instead of 2 and the doctor/hospital is blamed for overloading their equipment...." If things get that bad the doctors will have died from COVID19 &/or overwork and the hospital will have already gone out of business. I hate to think what rioters would do to the judges & courthouses beforehand.

Comment Re:Problem with software monitoring (Score 1) 77

"The problem I see is just what is being monitored? Besides sensors hooked up to gauges, a skilled human can monitor by sight, sound, even smell." I'm sure the ventilator clinicians have been working for years on this. Current ventilators have many subunits / sensors / etc doing this. But still skilled personnel must be available at all times for the inevitable glitches, and there are many possible glitches. The other problem is spare parts for the inevitable failures. Global outsourcing is not our friend on matters like a pandemic.

Comment Re:There's a few ventilitor manufacturers (Score 1) 77

Current ventilators have a great deal of electronic circuitry inside. We can only speculate on the size the supply of backup parts -- and where the factory migh be located, probably in Wuhan. There are outmoded designs for ventilators that require no electronics whatsoever. If the blueprints still exist, ramping up a production line might not be that difficult. I'm an MD and have had patients on ventilators. The number and skill of associated personnel is critical to the survival of ventilator patients. There are many possible points of failure that the machinery is not liable for.

Comment Re:Capitalism is dumb (Score 1) 77

"It is merely beyond the scope of patent law." Congress has forgotten that LAWS CAN BE CHANGED. But we already have laws on the books. I really & truly doubt patent law will restrict the actions of a US president during a national crisis. If some idiot CEO & corporate decides to sue, I doubt any jury will consider their case for more than a few minutes.

Submission + - Municipality-owned gigabit system going up in Fairlawn OH. (

tresho writes: From the article: FairlawnGig, a Fairlawn, Ohio-based municipal broadband provider, plans to deliver 1 Gbps services to local residents and business customers in a market underserved by incumbent telcos AT&T and Frontier.... Like many secondary cities, overall broadband coverage in Fairlawn was at best spotty, or in many places, nonexistent. I only learned about this from an illuminated sign along the state highway. There's been no local news coverage. Their proposed cost to residential customers is approximately what I have been paying AT&T for a landline & DSL internet.

Comment Re:Not actually available now (Score 1) 243

Where can I buy R-Pi in a B&M store in the USA, so that I can actually get it for $5? And when will it actually be available? You left out the necessity to pay sales tax in most US states at B&M stores. So I had to pay $5.40 US Cash for mine, 20:30 EST on 27 Nov 2015 at a MicroCenter in Ohio. Of course they had already been sold out for hours, the only reason I got one was I ordered it online the previous day as soon as I learned the Zero was available.

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