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Join the NetSlaves! 14

Well, with the spare time (huh?) that comes with the weekend, I've been poking around inside of NetSlaves. Good site that looks at real life "Dilberts", with real-life examples of disgruntled tech workers from inside the industry. Careful-sometimes the stories-like the current one about "K" who goes from support drone to production, only to meet his doom at the hands of his PHB-ring /way/ too close to real life. My comps to Bill Lessard and Steve Baldwin.
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Join the NetSlaves!

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  • no one is really writing. believe me-no moderators have even logged in.
  • I was working with a business guy, just starting out in a mom and pop business. The business guy didn't know a single thing about UNIX. One day I typed swapon -a on the firewall, a firewall which I had set up and even paid for from the ground up to masquerade the office onto an IP address on the saturated T1. The T1 averaged 900 bytes/sec during business hours.

    The point is, I routinely turned on and off swap space by hand, a technique that improved performance immensely on Linux 2.0.34.

    At that point, whatever the business guy was downloading happened to drop to 900 bytes/sec and he happened to have a view of /var/log/messages on his screen which said

    Adding Swap: 64256k swap-space (priority -2)


    Well that guy moved on to manage some accounting firm's networking staff while working on his MBA. The moral is even if you're paying for part of the business, business people are going to do what they're best at.
  • Moderators can't *delete* comments. If you adjust your viewing threshold down a notch or two you will see everything.

    The fact is, there simply were no comments made. Perhaps that tells more about the quality of the article than the supposed fascism of the evil moderators.
  • Hey, this site for some reason reminds me: for decidedly more low-tech corporate terror, check out the utterly classic Temp Slave! [] If you luck out and come across one of TS!'s published-at-Kinko's issues on a newsstand, give it a shot. The "Best Of" book is available from their page or at bookstores. It's an anthology of millenial horror stories from temps within the corporate beast. The misery that flows from these tales is like therapy to those who can identify with them, and leave everyone else thankful that they can't.
  • by CWiz ( 9100 )
    Hey! Give us a break. Some of us are trying to sleep ;> And it's saturday aswell. Probably lots of slashdot readers who only reads from work during the weekdays.
  • The sun was rising over 50th Street. Its rays reflecting red and orange light against the glass-plated towers and gray streets that were slowly coming back to life...

    Man, this sounds like the drivel a second year English major submits for a creative writing class.


    A classic case of a writer falling in love with their own words.

    If this is the quality of the writing we can expect, I'll pass...

  • is it just me, or did time just go back a couple days in Slashdot-land? for a while all the articles available were a couple days old, whiel the "yesterday's articles" were actually yesterday's (and so more recent than the main page's!).

    harrumph, lynx's popup boxes are all wrong on the console after I load an isolatin1 font... and every trip to X and back restores the default yucky ibm charset.

  • Some Guy Named Chris wrote:
    "A classic case of a writer falling in love with their own words."

    I'd probably have more faith in your talents as a literary critic if I were more confident that you were capable of composing a coherent sentence yourself. So next time try this:

    "A classic case of a writer falling in love with his (or her) own words".

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
