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Journal Hi_2k's Journal: Strange fog 1

Today was awesome and terrible. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

It seemed to start out badly, with a big fight between my mother and I over whether or not I needed to wear a coat. Stupid, but things have been really tense around my house recently. I'm on the brink with school, and there's really nothing she can do, but I still feel that she should be trying something, anything.

From there, however, things suddenly turned to awesome. G2 came up and randomly handed me a copy of Kingdom Hearts, which I have been meaning to get since it came out. She's a big square fan, and a big Disney fan, so it's no surprise it's one of her favorite games. I didn't know what to say. I've gotta get something for her, something really special, but I don't really know. Time for searching.

Luckily, it was a short school day, but after school I went to a nearby soup kitchen where I volunteer. That seemed to go on forever. All the while, though, there was this terrible mist in the air. Something terrible had happened, or was happening, or was about to happen. I though back to The_Mad_Poster's last journal and was seriously scared. The kitchen is in a bad part of a worse city, but normally I feel pretty confident there. Not today.. I was constantly looking over my shoulder. Nothing really important to do (just installing SP2 on a couple of machines in their public computer area), but it made me wonder.
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Strange fog

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