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Ask Slashdot: Are there NT specific Viruses?

Brandon Kozumplik writes in with another one of those difficult questions: "Aside from the fact the Microsoft would like us all to pretend that NT 4.0 is impervious to viruses, can you tell me what viruses exist that have been created soley to affect NT 4.0? My current searches just turn up anti-virus software, but no detail is given as to what particular viruses exist that have been created for NT 4.0, or for that matter, what the known viruses do. Can you help to educate me in this area?"
Brandon continues...

"It just so happens that I have to write a report on NT related viruses and I keep running into dead-ends. I am familiar with the typical boot-sector and floppy transferable viruses, but was wondering if others exist that might be less known, but more deadly."

A couple of things: Understand that I did not post this article as a license to Microsoft bash, I posted this as a legitimate question a Slashdot reader submitted, so please post accordingly. I shouldn't have to say this, but I am: "Be nice."

Secondly, remember that NT is not solely on the x86 platform, but also on the Alpha as well (is there another NT port out there?) . I would seriously doubt that there are cross-platform NT viruses, but this is only AFAIK goes and my knowledge base is known to have a few holes in it *grin!*

Interesting question! And even I am curious about the answers to this one. It would surprise me if such critters existed...

Post away!
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Ask Slashdot: Are there NT specific Viruses?

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