ArborXR is trusted by over 3,000 businesses, schools, and hospitals—including 40+ Fortune 500 companies. With 7+ years in the XR industry, we’ve built powerful features to meet complex needs while keeping the platform intuitive and easy to use.
We don’t just provide tools; we offer free advisement to help you achieve your XR goals. Whether it’s proving cost savings or measuring impact, we’re here to guide you.
With ArborXR, you can:
- Deploy and update XR content with flexibility and confidence.
- Lock down devices and guide users with secure, custom experiences.
- Protect sensitive data with encrypted connections and controlled access.
- Configure settings, monitor inventory, and ensure compliance remotely.
- Bulk enroll and mass configure devices to save time and maintain control.
Join the thousands of organizations that trust ArborXR to simplify and secure XR deployments, empowering them to scale XR and drive real-world impact.