HeadBidder is the easy-to-use SaaS Header Bidding management platform that is made for online publishing houses and online-ad monetization and yield optimization teams. This is a SaaS tool that is made to save money on code development and deployment. Users may focus on the core part of the online ad sales business that brings money and use HeadBidder.net only for mechanic ad management work that is automated on the platform. Combines wrapped up ready-to-go features and tools: prebid.js container, 3rd-party integrations with GAM, Smart+, User ID tools, Built-in Prebid analytics, and more.
Header Bidding Manager SaaS Tool “HeadBidder” Functionality:
- Multi-Site and Multi-Account UI
- User Account and Publisher management for system administrators
- Platform-wide messaging system in UI
- Prebid.js based wrapper builder
- Automated Prebid.js script build and adapter monitoring
- Google Ad Manager API support, token-based access
- Built-in Prebid Analytics
- Banner and Video ad types supported
- Custom floors, Aliases, User-ID modules, Prebid server adapters features supported