Analytics for Codeless Prototypes. Rich insights and user feedback in minutes, not months. To analyze and improve your product, get a map of each click or tap on your prototype. You can see how users navigate your prototype and identify drop-offs. Watch real-time interaction and video recordings of testers' navigation. Find out how long it took testers for action to take. Time is important. You can get answers using single and multiple selections, opinion scales, and open questions. Ask testers to complete one task on your prototype. This will allow you to measure conversion rates, inbound, direct paths, bounces, and more. Ask testers for consecutive tasks on your prototype to measure conversion rates, bounces, inbound and straight paths, bounces, and more. Open analytics lets testers navigate through your entire prototype. This allows you to capture user flows and valuable information in large quantities. Ask testers questions and let their first click speak more loudly than any other answer.