Speechactors is an AI-driven cloud tool for speech generation. It is easy to convert the text into natural, human-sounding speech. You can also instantly download it as an MP3 file. You can also add background music to your voiceover using a curated list. The background music volume can be controlled by the user.
We currently support 130+ languages and more that 300+ voices. There are many voice styles to choose from, including friendly, friendly, excited, angry, friendly, whistleing, customer service, newscast, excited, and whipping. You can also control the speech rate, pitch, and volume with these features. After signing up, you can view more information about the feature and its use in the video guide.
After purchase, there are no hidden charges. Only one PRO plan is available, which unlocks all features. Only pay for the characters you use.
Register for free with no credit card. You will receive 2000 characters for free.